| Description | solved | Rating
| Hochhäuser 3x3 mit PoS Duo (und Kropki) by Phip (solved on 31. December 2010, 00:17) | 51 | 61 %
| 2358 Tapa ohne Meta by CHalb (solved on 30. December 2010, 18:29) | 206 | 82 %
| Merry XMas - Überlappungssudoku by Richard (solved on 30. December 2010, 13:32) | 72 | 95 %
| Bunte Hochhäuser 11 by julius64 (solved on 25. December 2010, 11:04) | 79 | 88 %
| Snack 2: Hitori by RobertBe (solved on 25. December 2010, 11:02) | 114 | 75 %
| Hochhausblöcke II by CHalb (solved on 23. December 2010, 18:02) | 129 | 96 %
| Four Snails by relzzup (solved on 23. December 2010, 15:45) | 348 | 64 %
| RiesenRenbanKropki II by Richard (solved on 23. December 2010, 15:42) | 66 | 91 %
| RiesenRenbanKropki by Richard (solved on 22. December 2010, 14:45) | 70 | 90 %
| Doppel Sudoku mit Kropki und Co. by julius64 (solved on 15. October 2010, 15:55) | 91 | 84 %
| Zahlenspiel by Richard (solved on 3. September 2010, 14:15) | 59 | 85 %
| Triple-Mix by julius64 (solved on 28. August 2010, 20:44) | 65 | 91 %
| Windoku with Renban Groups by zhergan (solved on 24. August 2010, 11:53) | 49 | 81 %
| Maximin Sudoku 1 by Richard (solved on 24. August 2010, 11:51) | 112 | 92 %
| Maximin Sudoku 2 by Richard (solved on 24. August 2010, 11:50) | 82 | 88 %
| Diago-Hochhassudoku Finale !!! by julius64 (solved on 19. August 2010, 21:24) | 69 | 79 %
| S for Sudoku with Renban Groups by zhergan (solved on 19. August 2010, 07:47) | 74 | 82 %
| Diago-Hochhaussudoku 4 by julius64 (solved on 18. August 2010, 11:53) | 82 | 86 %
| Skyscrapers with Renban Groups II by zhergan (solved on 17. August 2010, 13:52) | 113 | 84 %
| Bunte Killer-Mix by julius64 (solved on 17. August 2010, 13:50) | 103 | 80 %