| Description | solved | Rating
| Mauskurven by Myxo (solved on 22. July 2023, 17:59) | 41 | 100 %
| Riesenhochhäuser by Hausigel (solved on 22. July 2023, 17:56) | 104 | 97 %
| Crusties ("Indexed Fives") by RockyRoer (solved on 21. July 2023, 23:51) | 40 | 96 %
| Quadrangling (Renban Quads) by tallcat (solved on 21. July 2023, 23:06) | 126 | 95 %
| Castle Wall Delta #2 (15x15) by Jesper (solved on 21. July 2023, 22:03) | 35 | 100 %
| Castle Wall Delta #1 (10x10) by Jesper (solved on 21. July 2023, 18:00) | 51 | 98 %
| In the Proximity by Lizzy01 (solved on 21. July 2023, 02:45) | 39 | 95 %
| Drizzle by heliopolix (solved on 20. July 2023, 02:58) | 176 | 93 %
| J-Sum Country Chaos by Cephalo (solved on 20. July 2023, 02:31) | 23 | 99 %
| Skateboards by djorr (solved on 20. July 2023, 00:49) | 162 | 93 %
| 7 Loop by Innocuous (solved on 19. July 2023, 23:56) | 46 | 89 %
| Six dots by Lutterot (solved on 18. July 2023, 02:51) | 38 | 91 %
| Ancient Artifacts by Scojo (solved on 18. July 2023, 02:06) | 251 | 93 %
| Paired Japanese Sums Sudoku (Solve with a friend) by ClashCode (solved on 17. July 2023, 01:30) | 16 | 98 %
| Islands 2: Global Ocean by SamuPiano (solved on 16. July 2023, 23:21) | 80 | 95 %
| Vivi Loca (Irregular Killer Sudoku) by Qodec (solved on 16. July 2023, 03:14) | 38 | 95 %
| Framework by riffclown (solved on 16. July 2023, 01:55) | 227 | 92 %
| Mishaps 1: Amplification by 99%Sneaky (solved on 16. July 2023, 01:23) | 251 | 93 %
| Bridges and Fillings by mathpesto (solved on 15. July 2023, 22:56) | 133 | 95 %
| Star Battle Sandwich Sudoku by panthchesh (solved on 15. July 2023, 15:30) | 180 | 93 %