| Description | solved | Rating
 | Gossiping Arrows by AnalyticalNinja (solved on 28. April 2022, 22:16) | 204 |  88 %
 | Hidden 22 by FKlauser (solved on 28. April 2022, 22:07) | 598 |  91 %
 | Learn the Alphabet: G is for German Whispers by Crusader175 (solved on 26. April 2022, 01:32) | 182 |  92 %
 | Triclinium by Qodec (solved on 25. April 2022, 10:43) | 77 |  95 %
 | The Quiver by Dag H (solved on 25. April 2022, 09:46) | 191 |  91 %
 | Around the corner (Irregular Anti-Knight) by tsc (solved on 25. April 2022, 09:46) | 97 |  88 %
 | Palindora's Box by Will Power (solved on 25. April 2022, 09:45) | 263 |  83 %
 | Seven Thermos by Agent (solved on 25. April 2022, 09:45) | 231 |  86 %
 | Colour to the Nines by PjotrV (solved on 22. April 2022, 02:16) | 95 |  96 %
 | Serial by mith (solved on 22. April 2022, 01:43) | 87 |  89 %
 | Unity by Blobz (solved on 21. April 2022, 23:58) | 98 |  93 %
 | Snooker Table 2022 by Florian Wortmann (solved on 21. April 2022, 23:20) | 120 |  94 %
 | The Whispering Cookie by Jreg (solved on 21. April 2022, 18:50) | 17 |  83 %
 | Lyrid Meteor Shower by manushand (solved on 21. April 2022, 18:31) | 105 |  90 %
 | SC8 - XV Pairs by kuraban (solved on 21. April 2022, 18:03) | 170 |  90 %
 | Double Duty by wildhound007 (solved on 21. April 2022, 07:14) | 67 |  89 %
 | Caught in the Crossfire by Will Power (solved on 21. April 2022, 07:02) | 53 |  86 %
 | Dania...? by antiknight (solved on 21. April 2022, 00:32) | 125 |  92 %
 | Snapshot by jwsinclair (solved on 21. April 2022, 00:04) | 145 |  95 %
 | Anti-Knight Sudoku. (Sudoku23) by Sumanta(ANU) (solved on 20. April 2022, 23:30) | 82 |  85 %