| Description | solved | Rating
 | I'll Cry If I Want To by FullDeck-Missing (solved on 31. March 2023, 12:05) | 122 |  95 %
 | whirlpool by Nimo (solved on 31. March 2023, 09:18) | 17 |  86 %
 | Remapped by vidarino (solved on 31. March 2023, 04:13) | 117 |  94 %
 | Millenium Falcon Cockpit by Will Power (solved on 31. March 2023, 04:03) | 210 |  92 %
 | Perfect Score by ypkoval (solved on 31. March 2023, 04:02) | 22 |  87 %
 | Some arrows by Nimo (solved on 31. March 2023, 04:02) | 83 |  83 %
 | Race to the Death Star by Will Power (solved on 31. March 2023, 04:02) | 150 |  91 %
 | BLT Sudoku 1 by Scojo (solved on 29. March 2023, 09:00) | 24 |  93 %
 | Irish Dots III by Tingo (solved on 29. March 2023, 04:48) | 133 |  89 %
 | 9-steps Tutorial: Anti-knight by Azireo (solved on 29. March 2023, 04:47) | 198 |  86 %
 | Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose by Abdul the Killer (solved on 29. March 2023, 04:47) | 92 |  87 %
 | (Just Anti-Knight) ⟶ JAK-5 by Stargazing Albatross (solved on 29. March 2023, 04:47) | 204 |  89 %
 | 2023 Jersey by Ridhwan (solved on 28. March 2023, 09:18) | 74 |  81 %
 | Dark Side Against the Light Side by Will Power (solved on 28. March 2023, 09:17) | 135 |  91 %
 | Anti-Knight, Killer Cages, and some lines by Jeet Sampat (solved on 28. March 2023, 08:36) | 62 |  95 %
 | Polka Dot by PotatoHead21 (solved on 28. March 2023, 03:52) | 101 |  95 %
 | Disjoint Killer Renbans by GeorgeTheToad2 (solved on 28. March 2023, 02:17) | 15 |  83 %
 | Arrow Sudoku Snack (Irregular 7x7 sudoku) by sujoyku (solved on 28. March 2023, 01:57) | 302 |  92 %
 | Negative Attitude by kuraban (solved on 28. March 2023, 01:57) | 102 |  85 %
 | Threes by Blobz (solved on 28. March 2023, 01:57) | 182 |  92 %