| Description | solved | Rating
 | 6-dimensional cube by lemononmars (solved on 3. May 2023, 03:08) | 109 |  89 %
 | The Power Of The Between Knights by Tingo (solved on 3. May 2023, 03:08) | 94 |  93 %
 | Sold to the Highest Buddha by Abdul the Killer (solved on 3. May 2023, 03:07) | 56 |  84 %
 | Doggo Experiment #4 by waffles_the_dog (solved on 3. May 2023, 03:07) | 148 |  85 %
 | Stickman Classroom (Klassenzimmer) by Will Power (solved on 3. May 2023, 03:07) | 358 |  93 %
 | Opposite Day by Will Power (solved on 29. April 2023, 10:09) | 86 |  91 %
 | Quite Magical by FracturedLace (solved on 29. April 2023, 09:25) | 38 |  96 %
 | Magic Explosion by Crystal Phoenix (solved on 29. April 2023, 09:24) | 75 |  88 %
 | This One Goes To Ten by Blashyrkh (solved on 29. April 2023, 06:04) | 164 |  94 %
 | Who Turned on the AC? by Tingo (solved on 28. April 2023, 23:51) | 219 |  89 %
 | Summer Whispers by VivaWolf (solved on 28. April 2023, 23:51) | 89 |  96 %
 | Behind Bars by Jobo (solved on 28. April 2023, 23:51) | 153 |  93 %
 | Modular repulsion by sujoyku (solved on 28. April 2023, 23:50) | 166 |  89 %
 | Drawfee by AParliamentofOwls (solved on 28. April 2023, 01:25) | 194 |  97 %
 | X Killers by Cascon (solved on 28. April 2023, 01:24) | 273 |  91 %
 | Long chain reaction vx consecutive sudoku by 97358 Johnny JLJ (solved on 27. April 2023, 07:32) | 121 |  77 %
 | Doggo Adventure #14 by waffles_the_dog (solved on 27. April 2023, 07:26) | 135 |  84 %
 | Lines in the Sand by Will Power (solved on 27. April 2023, 07:26) | 183 |  92 %
 | What fits in a cage? by Kirra (solved on 27. April 2023, 07:26) | 181 |  88 %
 | Can of Worms by meggen033 (solved on 27. April 2023, 07:25) | 169 |  96 %