| Description | solved | Rating
 | Pirates' Whisper by sujoyku (solved on 10. May 2023, 09:40) | 165 |  89 %
 | noXVenit by olima (solved on 10. May 2023, 09:40) | 90 |  95 %
 | Which Line Is It Anyway? by marty_sears (solved on 10. May 2023, 09:39) | 158 |  96 %
 | Sacred Crypt by Allagem (solved on 10. May 2023, 08:39) | 64 |  95 %
 | Nikiline #2 by Hammer_ofTHOR (solved on 10. May 2023, 04:01) | 15 |  84 %
 | Mean Owl by marty_sears (solved on 10. May 2023, 03:07) | 67 |  93 %
 | Shenanigans by Jay Dyer (solved on 10. May 2023, 02:16) | 142 |  98 %
 | Oh No, Not Again! by Abdul the Killer (solved on 10. May 2023, 01:36) | 123 |  87 %
 | Irish Dots IV by Tingo (solved on 10. May 2023, 01:36) | 278 |  93 %
 | Ungerade by kuraban (solved on 9. May 2023, 07:10) | 151 |  88 %
 | Minimal Effort by alubbe (solved on 9. May 2023, 06:54) | 25 |  84 %
 | Extended Renbans by Blobz (solved on 9. May 2023, 05:33) | 68 |  96 %
 | Aquatic Marmalade by heliopolix (solved on 9. May 2023, 05:08) | 110 |  95 %
 | Fanfare by jwsinclair (solved on 9. May 2023, 05:08) | 217 |  96 %
 | May Classic No7 by TinkerTroy (solved on 8. May 2023, 08:20) | 195 |  87 %
 | Construction Zone by Will Power (solved on 8. May 2023, 08:20) | 92 |  85 %
 | Symmetrical Face by Ridhwan (solved on 8. May 2023, 08:19) | 53 |  86 %
 | Lots of Oddities by 99%Sneaky (solved on 8. May 2023, 03:45) | 88 |  90 %
 | Framed cross (Killer sudoku) by sujoyku (solved on 8. May 2023, 03:45) | 115 |  95 %
 | Blackjack (Killer Renban) by Dag H (solved on 8. May 2023, 03:44) | 110 |  96 %