| Description | solved | Rating
| # Hashtag by Will Power (solved on 11. October 2022, 01:38) | 481 | 92 %
| T4R4 (GAS) by thoughtbyte (solved on 11. October 2022, 00:48) | 150 | 85 %
| It's a Gas Gas Gas by manushand (solved on 9. October 2022, 21:19) | 215 | 83 %
| Hot Air Balloon Heißluftballon by Will Power (solved on 9. October 2022, 21:17) | 236 | 92 %
| Discordant Arrows by AnalyticalNinja (solved on 9. October 2022, 20:56) | 402 | 92 %
| Mingling Swarms by Will Power (solved on 9. October 2022, 17:12) | 224 | 91 %
| Third Times the Charm by Ned Howarth (solved on 9. October 2022, 01:10) | 168 | 94 %
| Eiffel Tower and Fireworks by Will Power (solved on 9. October 2022, 00:45) | 282 | 90 %
| Mirrored 10s by allamaz (solved on 7. October 2022, 04:04) | 125 | 84 %
| Haus Romer, Frankfurt by Will Power (solved on 7. October 2022, 03:44) | 234 | 88 %
| Smorgasbord of Lost Religion/Smörgasbord der verlorenen Religion by Ryx (solved on 7. October 2022, 03:33) | 54 | 84 %
| Numbered Rooms vs X-Sums by Arlo Lipof (solved on 7. October 2022, 02:13) | 182 | 91 %
| Stuck in the Middle with You by Will Power (solved on 7. October 2022, 01:12) | 105 | 88 %
| Getting Started (by Kessera) by zChris96 (solved on 7. October 2022, 00:35) | 103 | 85 %
| Up or down? by Anticommutator (solved on 6. October 2022, 00:11) | 163 | 84 %
| That's 3 in the Corner by Blobz (solved on 5. October 2022, 19:22) | 244 | 90 %
| Oops! All Evens by Flambierter Flamingo (solved on 5. October 2022, 01:20) | 166 | 84 %
| That's 3 in the corner by Flambierter Flamingo (solved on 5. October 2022, 01:12) | 316 | 85 %
| Betula by Ambrose (solved on 5. October 2022, 00:10) | 129 | 88 %
| 7x7 Between Sudoku by BonBonWolf (solved on 4. October 2022, 03:49) | 79 | 89 %