| Description | solved | Rating
| Diagonal Skyscrapers by Blashyrkh (solved on 30. June 2023, 18:42) | 173 | 95 %
| Quintessence [Pentominous Fillomino] by MicroStudy (solved on 30. June 2023, 18:26) | 71 | 97 %
| Intro to Renban Walls, Part I by heliopolix (solved on 30. June 2023, 15:35) | 127 | 80 %
| (Just Anti-Knight) ⟶ JAK-10 by Stargazing Albatross (solved on 30. June 2023, 15:31) | 267 | 83 %
| Dude, Where's my arrow? Part 4 by Polycarp (solved on 30. June 2023, 15:24) | 142 | 85 %
| Substation by greyden (solved on 30. June 2023, 15:07) | 145 | 92 %
| Jeweled Band by 99%Sneaky (solved on 29. June 2023, 20:01) | 164 | 96 %
| X-Sums and X-Products by RockyRoer (solved on 29. June 2023, 19:36) | 92 | 96 %
| LM-Übungsrätsel: Hexagonales Tapa by CJK (solved on 29. June 2023, 19:08) | 196 | 85 %
| Intro to Black Holes, Part III by heliopolix (solved on 29. June 2023, 17:57) | 44 | 95 %
| 1:59 A.M. Into the Woods (Fog of War) by Ridhwan (solved on 29. June 2023, 17:06) | 376 | 92 %
| Two Thermo Snack by Die Hard (solved on 29. June 2023, 16:53) | 289 | 90 %
| Silenced Frog by shadow-nexus (solved on 28. June 2023, 12:16) | 109 | 90 %
| Berrie's Butterfly by pecha_berrie (solved on 28. June 2023, 09:30) | 67 | 87 %
| LM-Übungsrätsel: Lügendes Slant by CJK (solved on 28. June 2023, 09:12) | 31 | 93 %
| Neulich beim Stammtisch Ruhrgebiet by berni (solved on 27. June 2023, 16:00) | 44 | 97 %
| Intro to Black Holes, Part II by heliopolix (solved on 27. June 2023, 11:56) | 56 | 91 %
| Intro to Black Holes, Part I by heliopolix (solved on 27. June 2023, 11:26) | 84 | 93 %
| A Masterpiece by panthchesh (solved on 27. June 2023, 11:08) | 62 | 87 %
| A Jumbled Mess by Dr Logic (solved on 27. June 2023, 10:46) | 173 | 78 %