| Description | solved | Rating
| Tag 21 - Yajilin by CJK (solved on 2. October 2021, 14:48) | 66 | 94 %
| Castle Wall by Mark Sweep (solved on 12. September 2021, 23:01) | 22 | 92 %
| Exploded Compass Sudoku by stephane.bura (solved on 30. April 2021, 22:53) | 29 | 100 %
| Archers and Knights by SudokuExplorer (solved on 22. April 2021, 22:47) | 91 | 98 %
| Archers and Kings by SudokuExplorer (solved on 22. April 2021, 01:12) | 71 | 97 %
| Bowser's Castle (Arrow Sudoku) by emmettcito (solved on 21. April 2021, 20:52) | 93 | 99 %
| Fillomino Sudoku by spxtr (solved on 15. April 2021, 15:43) | 29 | 95 %
| Killer X Sudoku by Phistomefel (solved on 12. April 2021, 00:48) | 282 | 91 %
| Thermal Galaxy Killer by Alexander Rappa (solved on 11. April 2021, 23:11) | 34 | 96 %
| Fillomino-ish Killer Sudoku by SirWoezel (solved on 10. April 2021, 16:30) | 53 | 99 %
| Scrub Python (Palindrome Snake Sudoku) by peterchayward (solved on 7. April 2021, 23:13) | 47 | 95 %
| The Snake Nest by matt383 (solved on 5. April 2021, 17:02) | 38 | 98 %
| Snake Egg Sudoku by Phistomefel (solved on 4. April 2021, 01:20) | 98 | 98 %
| Snake Egg Sum Sudoku by Quarterthru (solved on 3. April 2021, 21:22) | 16 | 94 %
| Star Python 2 (Star Battle Snake Sudoku Hybrid) by peterchayward (solved on 1. April 2021, 17:38) | 56 | 99 %
| Sudoku Variants Series (307) - Sum Snake Sudoku by Richard (solved on 28. March 2021, 01:09) | 78 | 96 %
| Sudoku Variants Series (313) - Above 20 Sudoku by Richard (solved on 27. March 2021, 01:15) | 90 | 91 %
| Thermo Sudoku by Qodec (solved on 7. January 2021, 20:51) | 69 | 89 %
| Pentomino-Rundreise by Phistomefel (solved on 3. January 2021, 20:39) | 71 | 99 %
| Pentominous Star Battle by Jesper (solved on 28. December 2020, 21:53) | 78 | 95 %