| Description | solved | Rating
 | I'm open for title suggestions by Goofy (solved on 20. March 2023, 05:48) | 337 |  89 %
 | GPT stumper by SimplePurpleFrog (solved on 20. March 2023, 05:36) | 177 |  83 %
 | Irish Dots II by Tingo (solved on 20. March 2023, 05:26) | 239 |  92 %
 | Wagon Wheel (SudoCruise Day 1) by SSG (solved on 20. March 2023, 05:07) | 187 |  84 %
 | 22/7 Killer Clone by BenTen (solved on 14. March 2023, 23:37) | 304 |  92 %
 | Odd Mutant by Will Power (solved on 13. March 2023, 21:32) | 176 |  78 %
 | Streets and Alleys by Will Power (solved on 13. March 2023, 07:12) | 511 |  88 %
 | Cage Opposition (Killer Sudoku) by sujoyku (solved on 13. March 2023, 06:56) | 169 |  87 %
 | Minion with Headphones by Will Power (solved on 13. March 2023, 06:32) | 422 |  91 %
 | Pandora's box by Ratfinkz (solved on 13. March 2023, 05:58) | 187 |  89 %
 | [159] Echo by W1DEMAN (solved on 13. March 2023, 03:31) | 245 |  89 %
 | Sailing with the pirates by sujoyku (solved on 1. March 2023, 04:05) | 261 |  87 %
 | Between Clouds (Fog of War, Sandwich) by lepton (solved on 28. February 2023, 09:22) | 499 |  91 %
 | 8x8 XV-constraint Sudoku by sujoyku (solved on 28. February 2023, 07:41) | 108 |  83 %
 | I Love You and Sudoku by Kirra (solved on 27. February 2023, 06:45) | 656 |  76 %
 | Slow Global Warming Warning by Will Power (solved on 27. February 2023, 06:39) | 228 |  83 %
 | Irish Dots by Tingo (solved on 27. February 2023, 06:27) | 231 |  89 %