| Description | solved | Rating
| Tag 07 - Slitherlink by CJK (solved on 4. October 2021, 20:04) | 49 | 95 %
| Metro map by Testarossa (solved on 4. October 2021, 20:02) | 80 | 96 %
| Wichtel 2020 (9): Downhill by wichtel (solved on 4. October 2021, 19:59) | 31 | 95 %
| Masyudoku by Testarossa (solved on 4. October 2021, 19:50) | 24 | 96 %
| Masyudoku 2: Mutant Kropki by Testarossa (solved on 4. October 2021, 19:47) | 9 | N/A
| Phoenix Knights by apiyo (solved on 4. October 2021, 19:45) | 136 | 97 %
| Hovercar by Xailran (solved on 4. October 2021, 19:45) | 101 | 88 %
| Difference Camps by Scruffamudda (solved on 4. October 2021, 19:44) | 129 | 90 %
| Water strider by PetLov (solved on 4. October 2021, 19:43) | 64 | 94 %
| Summenbild-Rundwegrätsel (1) by Uhu (solved on 4. October 2021, 19:40) | 41 | 98 %
| The one that got away by Joseph nehme (solved on 4. October 2021, 19:38) | 106 | 93 %
| Inside Out by bstuke (solved on 4. October 2021, 19:37) | 29 | 87 %
| Motherboard by Tyrgannus (solved on 4. October 2021, 19:36) | 47 | 93 %
| Hot Dots (Sudoku) by PDN777 (solved on 4. October 2021, 19:35) | 154 | 83 %
| Mini-Max XV by gReinares (solved on 4. October 2021, 19:34) | 71 | 84 %
| Miraculous Little Killer: Irregular grid, 4 clues, no givens by Jeet Sampat (solved on 4. October 2021, 19:32) | 69 | 90 %
| Thermal Scope (thermometer + even sudoku) (by Aspartagcus and Qodec) by Aspartagcus (solved on 4. October 2021, 19:31) | 129 | 96 %
| Buchstabenlink by jannisw (solved on 4. October 2021, 19:10) | 11 | N/A
| 红葉puzzles(PP83): Slitherlink013 by cdwg2000 (solved on 25. September 2021, 15:50) | 94 | 79 %
| Slitherlink - Around the W0rld by athin (solved on 25. September 2021, 15:47) | 112 | 74 %