| Description | solved | Rating
| Tumble by vidarino (solved on 6. January 2022, 20:11) | 81 | 94 %
| Cross Hatch / Kreuzschraffur by PDN777 (solved on 6. January 2022, 19:45) | 155 | 80 %
| Serial Pox by twototenth (solved on 6. January 2022, 01:17) | 82 | 92 %
| 10 by EricRathbun (solved on 5. January 2022, 20:50) | 78 | 91 %
| Dead Space (Entropy Killer) by Mad-Tyas (solved on 3. January 2022, 21:48) | 104 | 95 %
| Dots / Punkte (Sudoku) by PDN777 (solved on 3. January 2022, 20:08) | 163 | 91 %
| Baba Is Sudoku by peterchayward (solved on 2. January 2022, 20:44) | 31 | 89 %
| See Saw by ccotreau (solved on 2. January 2022, 20:19) | 41 | 85 %
| Happy New Year 2022 by J0llywalrus (solved on 2. January 2022, 19:45) | 150 | 89 %
| X Dots by Nahileon (solved on 31. December 2021, 21:36) | 72 | 96 %
| One Way Signs (Einbahnstraßenschilder) by Will Power (solved on 31. December 2021, 19:49) | 77 | 84 %
| Thermo variant #24: Cumulative Thermos by djorr (solved on 31. December 2021, 19:04) | 74 | 87 %
| Snowflake by kuraban (solved on 31. December 2021, 08:51) | 25 | 98 %
| 2021 by Lisztes (solved on 31. December 2021, 02:40) | 70 | 93 %
| Up/Down by the_cogito (solved on 30. December 2021, 19:51) | 136 | 98 %
| sudoku by lerroyy (solved on 30. December 2021, 07:42) | 29 | 81 %
| Primus Stella by steelwool (solved on 30. December 2021, 01:07) | 89 | 88 %
| The Miracle of Entropy by SimiC (solved on 29. December 2021, 19:40) | 121 | 96 %
| Little Therm-Whisps / Kleine Thermometer flüstern by PDN777 (solved on 29. December 2021, 19:14) | 210 | 92 %
| Big XV by vidarino (solved on 29. December 2021, 18:38) | 97 | 90 %