| Description | solved | Rating
| Whispering Knight by Phistomefel (solved on 24. June 2022, 04:12) | 125 | 95 %
| ♫ I'm a poor, lonesome arrow... ♫ by Phistomefel (solved on 24. June 2022, 01:02) | 640 | 95 %
| Triple Negative by Scruffamudda (solved on 23. June 2022, 20:23) | 59 | 97 %
| XD by Jay Dyer (solved on 23. June 2022, 19:36) | 30 | 88 %
| r (Killer Sudoku) by PulverizingPancake (solved on 22. June 2022, 20:49) | 209 | 93 %
| Numbered Knights by Scruffamudda (solved on 13. June 2022, 21:44) | 36 | 94 %
| # Hashtag by Will Power (solved on 13. June 2022, 20:12) | 481 | 92 %
| Waves(sudoku28) by Sumanta(ANU) (solved on 11. June 2022, 20:59) | 20 | 92 %
| SC13 - Sandwich by kuraban (solved on 11. June 2022, 19:08) | 63 | 83 %
| Simply Poison by riffclown (solved on 11. June 2022, 18:11) | 120 | 92 %
| Chess at the Gate by Niverio (solved on 11. June 2022, 17:31) | 92 | 94 %
| Bicycles by SirSchmoopy (solved on 10. June 2022, 21:06) | 40 | 98 %
| L + Ratio by tesseralis (solved on 9. June 2022, 03:55) | 89 | 93 %
| Renmometers by Jeet Sampat (solved on 4. June 2022, 00:03) | 44 | 92 %
| Therminos by ExFalsoQuodlibet (solved on 3. June 2022, 23:36) | 95 | 92 %
| Thermodynamics by lost creativity (solved on 3. June 2022, 23:18) | 99 | 88 %
| Palettes and Palindromes by EricRathbun (solved on 1. June 2022, 16:21) | 134 | 97 %
| X-ception by Nahileon (solved on 1. June 2022, 15:56) | 73 | 96 %
| Shuriken Shikaku by Blobz (solved on 31. May 2022, 18:00) | 32 | 91 %
| As You Wish/Wie Sie Wünschen by Ryx (solved on 31. May 2022, 15:15) | 23 | 83 %