| Description | solved | Rating
| Somersaults by djorr (solved on 7. August 2021, 15:31) | 124 | 90 %
| Pyramid of Mysteries by Bremster (solved on 7. August 2021, 14:29) | 87 | 83 %
| Thermo variant #4: Leap Frog by djorr (solved on 6. August 2021, 23:23) | 94 | 87 %
| Aerials by SSG (solved on 30. July 2021, 17:44) | 150 | 90 %
| clover's expert math class by Qodec (solved on 14. July 2021, 20:56) | 52 | 99 %
| Spectators by Bremster (solved on 14. July 2021, 18:50) | 241 | 79 %
| Shooting arrows at a window-ku by Jeroen Panda (solved on 14. July 2021, 17:58) | 56 | 85 %
| Twenty-Seven by djorr (solved on 14. July 2021, 17:42) | 140 | 83 %
| Get Your Shots (thermo) by Bremster (solved on 14. July 2021, 17:29) | 202 | 81 %
| A Little Knight Music by jacksongriggs (solved on 3. July 2021, 21:08) | 89 | 86 %
| Thermo vs. Killer: DEATHMATCH! by Tharn11 (solved on 3. July 2021, 20:52) | 96 | 87 %
| Sprinkler Main by hexadoodle (solved on 26. June 2021, 23:56) | 91 | 87 %
| Kakuro — 'Plaza' by PixelPlucker (solved on 26. June 2021, 16:39) | 68 | 95 %
| Renban Triples by Innocuous (solved on 18. June 2021, 23:33) | 91 | 89 %
| Ascendio! by Emphyrio (solved on 18. June 2021, 22:58) | 41 | 88 %
| Battleships! - Sudoku by JeffWajes (solved on 12. June 2021, 21:59) | 33 | 97 %
| Amigos by bram (solved on 1. June 2021, 22:08) | 77 | 92 %
| Scattershot by TotallyNormalCat (solved on 22. May 2021, 21:12) | 119 | 93 %
| Revenge of the Hash (Irregular Thermo Sudoku) by lavaloid (solved on 20. May 2021, 01:51) | 13 | 95 %
| Zero Sandwiches by Florian Wortmann (solved on 14. May 2021, 18:02) | 53 | 90 %