| Description | solved | Rating
| Honeymoon by djorr (solved on 4. May 2022, 14:40) | 79 | 87 %
| Whispered Somethings by riffclown (solved on 4. May 2022, 14:09) | 87 | 96 %
| Chortle by riffclown (solved on 4. May 2022, 12:12) | 45 | 91 %
| Caged Knights 3 by Blobz (solved on 2. May 2022, 07:25) | 105 | 93 %
| Divide and Conquer (6x6 Little Killer Antiknight) by troptot (solved on 2. May 2022, 06:53) | 53 | 81 %
| Generosity by troptot (solved on 1. May 2022, 17:19) | 18 | 83 %
| The Lone X by troptot (solved on 1. May 2022, 15:50) | 128 | 85 %
| Silent Night by troptot (solved on 1. May 2022, 15:47) | 87 | 91 %
| Orbital Oscillations by ndsurgenor (solved on 28. April 2022, 17:09) | 28 | 86 %
| Learn the Alphabet: G is for German Whispers by Crusader175 (solved on 27. April 2022, 14:05) | 176 | 91 %
| Krop4i by tsc (solved on 27. April 2022, 13:50) | 78 | 90 %
| Around the corner (Irregular Anti-Knight) by tsc (solved on 27. April 2022, 09:36) | 95 | 88 %
| Three and a Half by Nordy (solved on 22. April 2022, 18:53) | 15 | 89 %
| Unity by Blobz (solved on 22. April 2022, 09:17) | 92 | 93 %
| Caged Knights 4 by Blobz (solved on 22. April 2022, 08:08) | 110 | 95 %
| Caged Knights 1 by Blobz (solved on 21. April 2022, 16:58) | 117 | 85 %
| Pearl Necklace by FKlauser (solved on 21. April 2022, 16:01) | 103 | 91 %
| Merry-Go-Around by ocaly (solved on 21. April 2022, 15:28) | 172 | 86 %
| Xclusive Knights by Blobz (solved on 21. April 2022, 12:58) | 83 | 85 %
| Caged Knights 2 by Blobz (solved on 21. April 2022, 11:56) | 120 | 90 %