| Description | solved | Rating
 | Zodiac-Killer I : Aries by Eisbär (solved on 15. March 2012, 15:01) | 108 |  90 %
 | Baufällige Hochhäuser .. by julius64 (solved on 15. March 2012, 15:00) | 82 |  88 %
 | Zodiac-Killer VII : Libra by Eisbär (solved on 15. March 2012, 14:59) | 84 |  90 %
 | Zodiac-Killer IX : Sagittarius by Eisbär (solved on 15. March 2012, 14:57) | 78 |  91 %
 | Pünktchen - Jigsaw Sudoku by Richard (solved on 15. March 2012, 14:56) | 80 |  92 %
 | Black and White Loop 2 by rob (solved on 15. March 2012, 14:51) | 84 |  83 %
 | Black and White Loop 1 by rob (solved on 15. March 2012, 14:48) | 96 |  84 %
 | Januar Pentomino-Monat (3): Japanische Summenpentominos by Richard (solved on 15. March 2012, 14:43) | 139 |  91 %
 | Diagonal Sudoku with 20&12 by zhergan (solved on 17. January 2012, 07:47) | 64 |  90 %
 | Buchstabensalatsudoku (I) by RobertBe (solved on 17. January 2012, 07:46) | 137 |  80 %
 | Drei Viertel Rundweg by hopppe (solved on 17. January 2012, 07:45) | 158 |  78 %
 | Hurra für Luigi ! by Richard (solved on 5. January 2012, 16:00) | 138 |  81 %
 | Snack 5: Zeltplatzsudoku by RobertBe (solved on 5. January 2012, 15:59) | 232 |  74 %
 | Fillomino 2011 by uvo (solved on 5. January 2012, 15:58) | 239 |  76 %
 | Danke schön! by Luigi (solved on 5. January 2012, 15:57) | 126 |  82 %
 | 2358 Tapa ohne Meta by CHalb (solved on 5. January 2012, 15:56) | 206 |  82 %
 | LMI-Überbleibsel 4 - Überlappungs Sudoku by Richard (solved on 5. January 2012, 15:42) | 82 |  92 %
 | LMI-Überbleibsel 3 - Chaos windoku by Richard (solved on 5. January 2012, 15:41) | 107 |  86 %
 | LMI-Überbleibsel 2 - Zylindrisches Sudoku by Richard (solved on 5. January 2012, 15:40) | 99 |  86 %
 | LMI-Überbleibsel 1 - Randsummen Sudoku by Richard (solved on 5. January 2012, 15:39) | 107 |  88 %