| Description | solved | Rating
| A Shot in the Dark (Whisper Arrow) by tallcat (solved on 13. November 2021, 16:22) | 43 | 98 %
| Tesla Coil (German Whispers + Odd/Even) by purpl (solved on 4. November 2021, 11:13) | 49 | 93 %
| Dicedoku by Xenonetix (solved on 1. November 2021, 19:27) | 259 | 98 %
| Eye of the Beholder by wattK (solved on 31. October 2021, 20:15) | 30 | 92 %
| 6 PM Reservation... by Sktx (solved on 29. October 2021, 14:54) | 26 | 92 %
| The odd one by Joseph nehme (solved on 27. October 2021, 23:33) | 152 | 98 %
| #sudoku by matt383 (solved on 27. October 2021, 01:12) | 33 | 96 %
| Herringbone by Qodec (solved on 26. October 2021, 21:49) | 89 | 99 %
| Debate Knight by Scruffamudda (solved on 25. October 2021, 09:07) | 121 | 86 %
| Stairway to Heaven (collaboration with purpl) by TheRiddler (solved on 24. October 2021, 17:37) | 25 | 97 %
| Two Gates by Qodec (solved on 23. October 2021, 22:52) | 70 | 99 %
| Whispering Knight by Phistomefel (solved on 23. October 2021, 15:47) | 125 | 95 %
| Rumors (German Whispers) by tallcat (solved on 10. October 2021, 15:34) | 149 | 98 %