| Description | solved | Rating
| Killer Crossing by tzael (solved on 12. July 2020, 12:05) | 41 | 85 %
| Classic Tapa - Ring of Fire by emmettcito (solved on 12. July 2020, 10:28) | 58 | 76 %
| Pinwheel Arrow Sudoku by Strosahl (solved on 30. June 2020, 19:54) | 72 | 88 %
| Classic Sudoku: New Logic by trivial171 (solved on 30. June 2020, 15:05) | 59 | 80 %
| Classic Sudoku - Quadcore by Phistomefel (solved on 20. June 2020, 14:55) | 130 | 77 %
| Slitherlink (Even Rows/Columns) by Puzzle_Maestro (solved on 22. May 2020, 21:24) | 68 | 92 %
| 11s & 13s Sudoku - A storm of dots by stephane.bura (solved on 22. May 2020, 19:59) | 63 | 85 %
| Xikaku für Anfänger by hopppe (solved on 16. May 2020, 17:53) | 1173 | 59 %
| Noch ein magischer Rundweg by berni (solved on 15. May 2020, 21:37) | 137 | 92 %
| Dual Slitherlink by Phistomefel (solved on 15. May 2020, 18:17) | 48 | 97 %
| Butzbach Sudoku 1 by Statistica (solved on 14. May 2020, 11:49) | 79 | 77 %