| Description | solved | Rating
| Battle With The Archers 39: The Lifeline of Three Worlds by Playmaker6174 (solved on 22. June 2023, 09:09) | 35 | 98 %
| Pairdoku (Solve with a friend) by riffclown (solved on 21. June 2023, 18:01) | 262 | 93 %
| Bittersweet Candies 4 - A (Mostly) Regular 6x6 Sudoku Pack by Playmaker6174 (solved on 21. June 2023, 17:39) | 14 | 86 %
| Quincies by lerroyy (solved on 18. June 2023, 11:42) | 35 | 92 %
| Chaos Deconstruction: Sightlines by KNT (solved on 17. June 2023, 19:42) | 75 | 98 %
| A Fillomino for the Bees by mathpesto (solved on 16. June 2023, 09:20) | 44 | 95 %
| Pac-Man Sudoku by mathpesto (solved on 15. June 2023, 18:06) | 125 | 94 %
| Blast Off (Region Sum Killer Diagonal) by tallcat (solved on 15. June 2023, 16:24) | 85 | 96 %
| Thin Gloss by mnasti2 (solved on 15. June 2023, 15:47) | 25 | 93 %
| Acropora (Chaos Construction) by Agent (solved on 14. June 2023, 15:42) | 82 | 98 %
| Marco Polo (Loop Deconstruction) by Agent (solved on 14. June 2023, 08:11) | 87 | 98 %
| Friendly Indexing Miracle by thoughtbyte (solved on 13. June 2023, 02:38) | 38 | 95 %
| Friendly Indexers by thoughtbyte (solved on 12. June 2023, 16:06) | 10 | N/A
| Intelligence Service by chameleon (solved on 10. June 2023, 12:25) | 36 | 68 %
| Uniquely Refined by Rangsk (solved on 10. June 2023, 11:15) | 171 | 88 %
| Divisor cage sudoku #2 by Nylimb (solved on 9. June 2023, 00:25) | 10 | N/A
| Tower of Babel by Jay Dyer (solved on 9. June 2023, 00:00) | 144 | 96 %
| Duality (6x6 Sudoku Pack) by Florian Wortmann (solved on 8. June 2023, 23:21) | 63 | 95 %
| Happy Birthday, Gliperal! by KNT (solved on 8. June 2023, 22:26) | 22 | 97 %
| Irrwisch Sudoku: X-Sums by Gliperal (solved on 7. June 2023, 22:24) | 64 | 98 %