| Description | solved | Rating
 | Waben Summenkropki by Luigi (solved on 25. August 2013, 20:23) | 72 |  86 %
 | Polycairos: Tricairos platzieren by MiR (solved on 24. August 2013, 22:50) | 90 |  66 %
 | June Pentomino Month (4) - Increasing Pentomino Sudoku by Richard (solved on 23. August 2013, 23:12) | 53 |  90 %
 | Japanese Sum Pentominos (II) by Richard (solved on 23. August 2013, 18:15) | 107 |  87 %
 | Distanz Jigsaw by Richard (solved on 23. August 2013, 17:00) | 73 |  93 %
 | Hex Masyu with Branching by kiwijam (solved on 23. August 2013, 00:09) | 61 |  96 %
 | Contact vs Regular Rundweg by kiwijam (solved on 22. August 2013, 05:02) | 51 |  96 %
 | Igel Hochhausrätsel by kiwijam (solved on 22. August 2013, 04:21) | 79 |  91 %
 | Die unsichtbare Flotte by lupo (solved on 22. August 2013, 03:03) | 38 |  94 %
 | Teilchenzoo - Einzelkind by lupo (solved on 21. August 2013, 23:54) | 36 |  98 %
 | Renban Killer by Richard (solved on 21. August 2013, 21:56) | 102 |  94 %
 | Summenbild mit Lücken by Calavera (solved on 21. August 2013, 03:34) | 66 |  96 %
 | Kleine Sommerüberraschung, Teil 8: Gebieteschwärzen by berni (solved on 19. August 2013, 23:52) | 82 |  78 %
 | Killer Skyscrapers (II) by Richard (solved on 16. August 2013, 16:47) | 106 |  92 %
 | Unsichtbare und durchsichtige Hochhäuser (Teil 1) by Zzzyxas (solved on 14. August 2013, 21:41) | 65 |  86 %
 | Berni the Brein (Krypto-Hochhausblöcke) by CHalb (solved on 14. August 2013, 21:07) | 73 |  94 %
 | June Pentomino Month (2) - White Pentominos by Richard (solved on 14. August 2013, 18:41) | 107 |  88 %
 | 007 Killer by Richard (solved on 12. August 2013, 00:30) | 108 |  95 %
 | Full Rank Sudoku by Realshaggy (solved on 11. August 2013, 21:44) | 93 |  91 %
 | Spiral City Construction (II) by Richard (solved on 10. August 2013, 15:41) | 82 |  96 %