| Description | solved | Rating
| Breakout by Dingo (solved on 29. March 2021, 16:27) | 155 | 82 %
| Easter Themed Thermo Sudoku by raretypeoffox (solved on 28. March 2021, 21:43) | 141 | 82 %
| Black and White by patrick (solved on 28. March 2021, 14:52) | 154 | 78 %
| Knight move experiments #1 by PetLov (solved on 22. February 2021, 20:45) | 111 | 80 %
| Magical Knights by Osmium76 (solved on 22. February 2021, 19:48) | 121 | 76 %
| Nines Multiplying by andreasv (solved on 21. February 2021, 16:38) | 178 | 78 %
| One and Half O'clock (Sudoku) by checkered_duck_dani (solved on 18. February 2021, 00:58) | 84 | 75 %
| Serbian Cross [Thermo Killer and Little Killer Sudoku] by ogi.djukovic (solved on 17. February 2021, 22:51) | 132 | 82 %
| Pure Thermo Sudoku by checkered_duck_dani (solved on 17. February 2021, 11:55) | 152 | 75 %
| The Unibrow by clayfanatic (solved on 13. February 2021, 14:40) | 104 | 82 %
| "Face" Thermo/LittleKiller Sudoku by Greg (solved on 9. February 2021, 11:05) | 63 | 83 %
| One to Fifteen by Lisztes (solved on 5. February 2021, 02:15) | 98 | 78 %
| Friendly Little Killer by EliasKar (solved on 4. February 2021, 20:13) | 83 | 75 %
| Stairs by Fedo (solved on 3. February 2021, 00:21) | 76 | 86 %
| Nish Toofan by Göran H (solved on 31. January 2021, 18:50) | 162 | 85 %
| Thermo Killer 123 by Quarterthru (solved on 29. January 2021, 16:11) | 96 | 86 %
| Thermal Overload by GremlinSA (solved on 29. January 2021, 00:27) | 117 | 83 %
| Shot Pointer by Fedo (solved on 28. January 2021, 11:19) | 81 | 83 %
| Killer Palindrome by Strosahl (solved on 24. January 2021, 21:34) | 77 | 89 %
| Magic Thermo Mayhem by Klomp (solved on 23. January 2021, 08:21) | 162 | 82 %