| Description | solved | Rating
| Entropy RSL by Mad-Tyas (solved on 13. May 2023, 19:45) | 62 | 96 %
| Colossal Tapa and Chaos (ft. KNT) by wooferzfg (solved on 13. May 2023, 14:04) | 38 | 100 %
| Fanfare by jwsinclair (solved on 12. May 2023, 16:04) | 213 | 96 %
| Spider by Jobo (solved on 11. May 2023, 18:30) | 74 | 92 %
| I Fell Down The Waterfall by LittleNightmaresLady (solved on 11. May 2023, 15:56) | 21 | 91 %
| Framed cross (Killer sudoku) by sujoyku (solved on 11. May 2023, 14:14) | 112 | 95 %
| TENtropy by Mad-Tyas (solved on 10. May 2023, 17:36) | 42 | 95 %
| Hungarian Tapa-Like Loop by the_cogito (solved on 29. April 2023, 19:41) | 23 | 91 %
| Sum Sets by Scruffamudda (solved on 29. April 2023, 14:25) | 58 | 97 %
| 1-N Chaos Deconstruction: Whisper / Renban / Between by KNT (solved on 28. April 2023, 17:00) | 52 | 97 %
| Can of Worms by meggen033 (solved on 27. April 2023, 19:37) | 159 | 96 %
| Pure Killer by AstralSky (solved on 27. April 2023, 19:23) | 131 | 96 %
| Silent Suguru by dennischen (solved on 27. April 2023, 16:50) | 43 | 99 %
| Silent dancefloor by ademjaz (solved on 27. April 2023, 14:09) | 71 | 94 %
| Origin of Symmetry by Abdul the Killer (solved on 26. April 2023, 19:23) | 76 | 93 %
| Stampede by jwsinclair (solved on 26. April 2023, 16:06) | 152 | 97 %
| Privy (German Whispers/Renban/Sandwich) by dumediat (solved on 25. April 2023, 18:55) | 57 | 95 %
| Symmetric Miracle by Merko (solved on 23. April 2023, 13:26) | 14 | 85 %
| Limitless Potential #1: Zero to Infinity by Playmaker6174 (solved on 23. April 2023, 12:42) | 39 | 98 %
| Rattus Protectus Caseus by rockratzero (solved on 22. April 2023, 19:20) | 168 | 95 %