| Description | solved | Rating
| Math on the Tiles by MarkV (solved on 14. January 2023, 16:05) | 4 | N/A
| Squaring things out by Christounet (solved on 14. January 2023, 12:26) | 81 | 93 %
| Idioms: Four's a Party by Fishhh (solved on 14. January 2023, 11:45) | 30 | 92 %
| Eagle-15 by lepton (solved on 14. January 2023, 00:50) | 24 | 92 %
| Broken Snow Shovel by Blobz (solved on 14. January 2023, 00:18) | 95 | 91 %
| Ten-Ban by Niverio (solved on 13. January 2023, 17:29) | 54 | 97 %
| Name Series: Robert by Tingo (solved on 13. January 2023, 11:31) | 194 | 90 %
| Double Fireworks by antiknight (solved on 11. January 2023, 06:43) | 49 | 94 %
| Mesa by ICHTUES (solved on 8. January 2023, 13:31) | 145 | 96 %
| How the Turntables... by shinggaming (solved on 7. January 2023, 09:44) | 268 | 93 %
| King's Renban Dots by GBPack (solved on 7. January 2023, 01:45) | 43 | 85 %
| Playground Process by 10feet (solved on 1. January 2023, 10:55) | 38 | 94 %
| New Year's Resolution by Will Power (solved on 1. January 2023, 05:25) | 409 | 93 %
| 2023 by starwarigami (solved on 31. December 2022, 13:51) | 90 | 93 %
| Mighty Arrows by lepton (solved on 31. December 2022, 12:39) | 7 | N/A
| The Kitchen Sink by shinggaming (solved on 28. December 2022, 03:59) | 234 | 92 %
| Impartial Ones by lepton (solved on 27. December 2022, 11:36) | 24 | 92 %
| 574916238 by damasosos92 (solved on 26. December 2022, 11:26) | 72 | 79 %
| Superposition by Nordy (solved on 26. December 2022, 09:09) | 27 | 94 %
| ABCs by ExFalsoQuodlibet (solved on 26. December 2022, 08:16) | 67 | 93 %