| Description | solved | Rating
| Xikaku für Fortgeschrittene by hopppe (solved on 27. July 2020, 02:53) | 411 | 64 %
| Spiral Stumper Series (3/5): Fillomino by athin (solved on 27. July 2020, 02:50) | 71 | 88 %
| Spiral Stumper Series (2/5): Kuromasu by athin (solved on 27. July 2020, 00:08) | 93 | 75 %
| Nurikabe - 3 Secret-Letters by athin (solved on 27. July 2020, 00:05) | 60 | 79 %
| Spiral Stumper Series (1/5): Tilepaint by athin (solved on 26. July 2020, 23:52) | 95 | 78 %
| Spiral Stumper Series (5/5): Instructionless Puzzle by athin (solved on 26. July 2020, 16:24) | 27 | 85 %
| Letter Link by zhergan (solved on 26. July 2020, 02:01) | 241 | 56 %
| Tilepaint - Corridors by athin (solved on 26. July 2020, 00:57) | 74 | 78 %
| Ripple Effect - 70 Empty Cells by athin (solved on 26. July 2020, 00:55) | 73 | 88 %
| Niedrige Sudoku Einstieg by Richard (solved on 25. July 2020, 04:52) | 493 | 77 %
| Xuriza - klein by hopppe (solved on 25. July 2020, 04:48) | 389 | 54 %
| Knickwege invers für Anfänger (1) mit Lösungshinweisen by hopppe (solved on 25. July 2020, 04:47) | 569 | 44 %
| Batman, go to bed, man! by olima (solved on 25. July 2020, 04:46) | 84 | 71 %
| Zehnkampf-100m-Überbleibsel: Persistence of Memory by berni (solved on 25. July 2020, 04:40) | 132 | 70 %
| Sudoku Low by JonaS2010 (solved on 25. July 2020, 04:33) | 259 | 78 %
| Four Snails by relzzup (solved on 25. July 2020, 03:56) | 348 | 64 %
| LEERFELD - Buchstabenrätsel by DocLogic (solved on 24. July 2020, 16:09) | 143 | 76 %
| 50. Portalrätsel: Pentominous by JonaS2010 (solved on 24. July 2020, 16:04) | 65 | 86 %
| StarBattle 13x/2 : Heptominos by Carrick22 (solved on 19. July 2020, 17:50) | 106 | 88 %
| Zehnkampf-Weitsprung-Überbleibsel: Dominosuche by berni (solved on 16. July 2020, 18:43) | 180 | 74 %