| Description | solved | Rating
| Foggy Outside by Flinty (solved on 8. October 2023, 16:25) | 735 | 92 %
| Deadly Arrows by MQ9_Reaper2 (solved on 7. October 2023, 12:26) | 17 | 92 %
| Killer X by EPH (solved on 6. October 2023, 21:10) | 179 | 93 %
| Just 3 arrows by ademjaz (solved on 6. October 2023, 16:07) | 176 | 96 %
| Limited Killers by Jolly Rogers (solved on 6. October 2023, 12:00) | 147 | 95 %
| That's 3 in the spotlight... by Flinty (solved on 5. October 2023, 20:47) | 325 | 93 %
| Buena Suerte by jwsinclair (solved on 5. October 2023, 00:13) | 280 | 97 %
| Forbidden Fog by Sakartvelo18 (solved on 4. October 2023, 13:18) | 308 | 92 %
| Jello by zetamath (solved on 4. October 2023, 12:47) | 79 | 93 %
| 159 Arrows by Blobz (solved on 4. October 2023, 00:08) | 178 | 97 %
| 159 Kropki by Blobz (solved on 3. October 2023, 17:42) | 155 | 95 %
| 159 RSL by Blobz (solved on 2. October 2023, 23:36) | 142 | 92 %
| 159 Killer by Blobz (solved on 2. October 2023, 21:53) | 124 | 89 %
| Aurora borealis by palpot (solved on 2. October 2023, 20:23) | 169 | 92 %
| Duplicated Incarceration by meggen033 (solved on 28. September 2023, 21:30) | 61 | 89 %
| 6 Sums by Kirra (solved on 27. September 2023, 18:04) | 361 | 88 %
| Friendly Snake in the Fog by Scojo (solved on 27. September 2023, 09:34) | 121 | 90 %
| Candy Apple by pieguy (solved on 21. September 2023, 22:56) | 110 | 93 %
| Foggy Faces by Dr Logic (solved on 21. September 2023, 22:00) | 253 | 84 %
| Circus Tricks by Dr Logic (solved on 21. September 2023, 20:39) | 204 | 93 %