| Description | solved | Rating
| Knickwege invers für Anfänger (2) by hopppe (solved on 17. March 2010, 15:48) | 257 | 67 %
| Knickwege invers für Anfänger (1) mit Lösungshinweisen by hopppe (solved on 17. March 2010, 15:37) | 569 | 44 %
| xyz´tje by hopppe (solved on 16. March 2010, 21:41) | 84 | 82 %
| 007 Kropki by Richard (solved on 16. March 2010, 21:03) | 109 | 92 %
| 007 Killer by Richard (solved on 16. March 2010, 19:11) | 108 | 95 %
| Knickwege für Anfänger (3) by hopppe (solved on 16. March 2010, 18:10) | 299 | 65 %
| Knickwege für Anfänger (2) by hopppe (solved on 16. March 2010, 18:04) | 347 | 65 %
| Knickwege für Anfänger (1) mit Lösungshinweisen by hopppe (solved on 16. March 2010, 17:56) | 587 | 44 %
| Toroidal Sudoku with Renban Groups by zhergan (solved on 11. March 2010, 12:40) | 45 | 88 %
| 5-Minuten-Rätsel by Skinny Norris (solved on 11. March 2010, 09:33) | 215 | 76 %
| Die drei ??? und das ungelöste ABCtje by Skinny Norris (solved on 11. March 2010, 09:22) | 55 | 72 %
| Triagonales DominoKropki by hopppe (solved on 11. March 2010, 06:46) | 119 | 73 %
| Chaos Sudoku with Renban Groups by zhergan (solved on 10. March 2010, 17:13) | 53 | 76 %
| Klein aber Fein: Jigsaw Killer by Richard (solved on 10. March 2010, 11:36) | 88 | 91 %
| Klein aber Fies: Jigsaw Killer by Richard (solved on 10. March 2010, 09:33) | 68 | 91 %
| Drei Viertel Hashiwokakero by hopppe (solved on 9. March 2010, 18:08) | 121 | 67 %
| hopppe baut gerne Brücken by Skinny Norris (solved on 9. March 2010, 18:03) | 160 | 75 %
| Magnetplatten knapp daneben Einstieg by Luigi (solved on 4. March 2010, 18:32) | 156 | 82 %
| Chatroom-Revival(2) by SilBer (solved on 27. February 2010, 22:21) | 93 | 88 %
| Ausgedehnte Mittagspause by Richard (solved on 27. February 2010, 13:57) | 65 | 97 %