| Description | solved | Rating
| Eisbär-Sudoku II : Paintball by Eisbär (solved on 3. April 2010, 13:01) | 64 | 88 %
| Geheimschrift zur falschen Jahreszeit by Skinny Norris (solved on 1. April 2010, 17:41) | 77 | 75 %
| Rundherum die 2 (III von IV) by Luigi (solved on 29. March 2010, 10:51) | 69 | 91 %
| Rundherum die 2 (I von IV) by Luigi (solved on 29. March 2010, 07:31) | 114 | 84 %
| Rundherum die 2 (II von IV) by Luigi (solved on 29. March 2010, 07:17) | 79 | 81 %
| Loop Pentopool by hopppe (solved on 29. March 2010, 06:45) | 93 | 82 %
| Drei Viertel Masyu by hopppe (solved on 25. March 2010, 16:41) | 155 | 74 %
| Knapp Daneben Twin Killer Sudoku by Richard (solved on 24. March 2010, 11:20) | 75 | 94 %
| Spirale by RobertBe (solved on 24. March 2010, 07:25) | 199 | 73 %
| Double Sudoku with Renban Groups by zhergan (solved on 22. March 2010, 19:43) | 49 | 78 %
| Drei Viertel Rundweg by hopppe (solved on 22. March 2010, 19:06) | 158 | 78 %
| Hochhauskropki by Skinny Norris (solved on 20. March 2010, 16:30) | 70 | 91 %
| Knickwege geviertelt by hopppe (solved on 20. March 2010, 15:30) | 103 | 79 %
| Knickwege für Profis by hopppe (solved on 20. March 2010, 15:12) | 281 | 64 %
| Knickwege für Fortgeschrittene by hopppe (solved on 20. March 2010, 14:59) | 175 | 61 %
| Klein aber Fein: Chaos Renban Killer by Richard (solved on 20. March 2010, 13:58) | 143 | 90 %
| Für mikaso zum Geburtstag: Komb-IA-BCtjes by CHalb (solved on 20. March 2010, 12:53) | 104 | 80 %
| Renban Killer by Richard (solved on 20. March 2010, 12:01) | 102 | 94 %
| Difference Sudoku with Renban Groups by zhergan (solved on 18. March 2010, 19:33) | 40 | 80 %
| Knickwege invers für Anfänger (3) by hopppe (solved on 17. March 2010, 15:48) | 234 | 68 %