| Description | solved | Rating
| Teamwettbewerb 2011: Rätselstern (Runde 1) by SilBer (solved on 24. April 2011, 14:58) | 62 | 97 %
| Rundweg mit Pfeilen by Richard (solved on 24. April 2011, 14:57) | 92 | 85 %
| Variables Masyu by CHalb (solved on 23. April 2011, 18:55) | 89 | 89 %
| Back to Basics: Chaos Sudoku (A) by Richard (solved on 22. April 2011, 17:51) | 99 | 88 %
| Gebiet-Kropki 0/1-9 by julius64 (solved on 21. April 2011, 20:31) | 47 | 86 %
| Kropki-Sudoku 00/1-9 by julius64 (solved on 21. April 2011, 18:14) | 56 | 91 %
| Teamwettbewerb 2011: Kakuro (Runde 2, Blatt 1, Rätsel 2) by berni (solved on 16. April 2011, 15:29) | 123 | 80 %
| Teamwettbewerb 2011: Bahnhöfe (Runde 2, Blatt 2, Rätsel 1) by berni (solved on 16. April 2011, 15:28) | 104 | 91 %
| Teamwettbewerb 2011: Masyu (Runde 2, Blatt 2, Rätsel 2) by berni (solved on 16. April 2011, 15:28) | 130 | 80 %
| Back to Basics: Diagonal Sudoku (B) by Richard (solved on 15. April 2011, 20:56) | 105 | 85 %
| Renban-Kakuro 1-10 by julius64 (solved on 15. April 2011, 19:42) | 88 | 94 %
| Warum eigentlich... by Luigi (solved on 14. April 2011, 20:49) | 71 | 86 %
| Warum eigentlich... by Luigi (solved on 14. April 2011, 20:20) | 97 | 82 %
| ABC by Luigi (solved on 14. April 2011, 19:57) | 66 | 87 %
| XYZ by Luigi (solved on 12. April 2011, 22:36) | 69 | 87 %
| Killer-Sudoku 00/1-9 by julius64 (solved on 11. April 2011, 23:54) | 53 | 91 %
| Double Killer knapp daneben by Luigi (solved on 9. April 2011, 23:21) | 60 | 87 %
| Back to Basics: Diagonal Sudoku (A) by Richard (solved on 9. April 2011, 14:47) | 109 | 82 %
| X Sudoku with extra squares by Luigi (solved on 9. April 2011, 13:41) | 51 | 74 %
| Addierte Rundwege anders rum 6 by Luigi (solved on 6. April 2011, 18:39) | 53 | 62 %