| Description | solved | Rating
| Wichtel 2011 (7): Der Wunscherfüller by wichtel (solved on 25. March 2012, 19:32) | 78 | 96 %
| Pentomino-Doppelstern by ibag (solved on 25. March 2012, 15:13) | 82 | 94 %
| Twin Killer Sudoku V by Richard (solved on 24. March 2012, 17:05) | 71 | 94 %
| Wichtel 2011 (12-und erst einmal Schluss): Eine TaKo by wichtel (solved on 22. March 2012, 15:53) | 84 | 97 %
| Guten Rutsch by Luigi (solved on 5. February 2012, 11:15) | 67 | 95 %
| Februar Prim-Monat (1) - Prim Sudoku by Richard (solved on 3. February 2012, 21:40) | 92 | 90 %
| Zodiac-Killer XI : Aquarius by Eisbär (solved on 3. February 2012, 20:39) | 71 | 92 %
| Diagonal Sudoku with 20&12 by zhergan (solved on 30. January 2012, 23:25) | 63 | 90 %
| Palindromisches Renbanhochhausrätsel by hopppe (solved on 28. January 2012, 14:03) | 65 | 72 %
| Sudoku Logical by Skinny Norris (solved on 28. January 2012, 13:05) | 96 | 85 %
| Januar Pentomino-Monat (4): Hochhauspentomino by Richard (solved on 28. January 2012, 11:32) | 76 | 94 %
| Tapa Toroidal by Luigi (solved on 26. January 2012, 20:47) | 71 | 87 %
| Januar Pentomino-Monat (3): Japanische Summenpentominos by Richard (solved on 26. January 2012, 18:43) | 137 | 92 %
| Wichtel 2011 (4): Sternenstaub by wichtel (solved on 26. January 2012, 18:05) | 99 | 94 %
| Wichtel 2011 (3): Verlorene Wichtelmützen by wichtel (solved on 22. January 2012, 00:13) | 199 | 80 %
| Black and White Loop 2 by rob (solved on 22. January 2012, 00:12) | 84 | 83 %
| Schräge U-Bahn by ibag (solved on 22. January 2012, 00:11) | 70 | 85 %
| CrocoPuzzle Adventskalender 2011: Tag 12 (Schräge Räume I) by berni (solved on 7. January 2012, 11:44) | 126 | 77 %
| CrocoPuzzle Adventskalender 2011: Tag 13 (Stellwände im Büro II) by berni (solved on 7. January 2012, 11:44) | 114 | 85 %
| Zodiac-Killer X : Capricornus by Eisbär (solved on 3. January 2012, 18:20) | 63 | 85 %