| Description | solved | Rating
| Fish & Wings: Spiralsudoku by Pyrrhon (solved on 7. June 2013, 20:13) | 42 | 76 %
| Wichtelkalender 2013 - Juni by Mody (solved on 6. June 2013, 15:21) | 77 | 94 %
| Gerade-Ungerade-ABCtje by Realshaggy (solved on 6. June 2013, 12:58) | 97 | 83 %
| Familienfreizeit 2013: Krypto-Rundweg mit Silas by CHalb (solved on 5. June 2013, 21:22) | 111 | 79 %
| Familienfreizeit 2013: Koralle mit Füßen und Zehen by CHalb (solved on 5. June 2013, 21:17) | 99 | 87 %
| Japanische Summen-Krypto - knapp daneben by ibag (solved on 5. June 2013, 20:52) | 67 | 97 %
| 24 Ways to survive a Dutch Advent (22): Rhombus Sudoku by Richard (solved on 4. June 2013, 17:04) | 102 | 84 %
| Pento Coral by rimodech (solved on 4. June 2013, 14:14) | 57 | 96 %
| Halbdominos 1 by Richard (solved on 3. June 2013, 22:20) | 83 | 81 %
| Wichtelkalender 2012 (7) by wichtel (solved on 3. June 2013, 22:06) | 69 | 90 %
| September 2358 Monat (5) - Fillomino by Richard (solved on 3. June 2013, 21:05) | 116 | 83 %
| Hex Masyu with Branching by kiwijam (solved on 3. June 2013, 17:07) | 61 | 96 %
| Es sind doch nur Farben by Luigi (solved on 3. June 2013, 10:48) | 62 | 69 %
| Quintuple Windoku by zhergan (solved on 2. June 2013, 18:06) | 37 | 74 %
| Quadruple Windoku by zhergan (solved on 2. June 2013, 11:37) | 42 | 78 %
| Dunkelsterne (3) by BFaw (solved on 31. May 2013, 21:50) | 30 | 90 %
| Dunkelsterne (2) by BFaw (solved on 31. May 2013, 16:27) | 31 | 88 %
| Dunkelsterne (1) by BFaw (solved on 30. May 2013, 21:11) | 34 | 78 %
| Spiegel Distanz Sudoku by surbier (solved on 28. May 2013, 01:01) | 72 | 82 %
| Distanz Sudoku mit Kreisschluss by surbier (solved on 28. May 2013, 00:31) | 83 | 82 %