| Description | solved | Rating
| Black and White by patrick (solved on 5. July 2021, 00:18) | 154 | 78 %
| Dandelion by patrick (solved on 4. July 2021, 18:11) | 151 | 83 %
| Long Haul (Between Sudoku) by Tarnesh (solved on 4. July 2021, 17:26) | 128 | 81 %
| Yes it Does. Read the Rules. by Göran H (solved on 4. July 2021, 16:40) | 341 | 71 %
| Thermo Killer Sudoku by Geoteve (solved on 4. July 2021, 16:34) | 240 | 79 %
| Knights of the Round Table by Strosahl (solved on 4. July 2021, 16:08) | 253 | 86 %
| Diagonal? by 5Head (solved on 4. July 2021, 15:02) | 243 | 70 %
| Unique Dominoes (4x4) by hexadoodle (solved on 4. July 2021, 14:34) | 1024 | 73 %
| Press Play When Ready by NickTheGreek (solved on 30. June 2021, 15:43) | 160 | 75 %
| Devil of Odds by SmileFX (solved on 28. June 2021, 23:03) | 94 | 81 %
| CrazyCompass by DrunkenSailor (solved on 28. June 2021, 22:31) | 147 | 83 %