| Description | solved | Rating
| The Thinker by Auguste Rodin by Will Power (solved on 10. April 2023, 02:13) | 336 | 93 %
| That's [redacted] in the Corner (fog puzzle) by jwsinclair (solved on 10. April 2023, 01:22) | 1238 | 92 %
| A Night at the Theatre by NIGHTCRAULER (solved on 10. April 2023, 01:04) | 310 | 92 %
| Festive by Blobz (solved on 10. April 2023, 00:24) | 788 | 91 %
| The Kitchen Sink by shinggaming (solved on 18. March 2023, 19:53) | 234 | 92 %
| Cut, Color, Clarity and Carat by Will Power (solved on 18. March 2023, 12:04) | 325 | 93 %
| Roman Whispers by Tingo (solved on 26. February 2023, 09:31) | 490 | 90 %
| Lost by Dathan (solved on 4. January 2023, 22:12) | 1362 | 90 %