| Description | solved | Rating
 | Killers vs. Arrows Sudoku by PDN777 (solved on 24. May 2021, 23:10) | 139 |  84 %
 | Killer Pentominoes by dankeykang25 (solved on 3. May 2021, 16:35) | 43 |  89 %
 | 555 Thermo Killer by clover (solved on 20. April 2021, 14:32) | 107 |  80 %
 | Nein! by PrimeWeasel (solved on 19. April 2021, 20:23) | 90 |  87 %
 | Irreguläres Killer Sudoku by surbier (solved on 16. April 2021, 16:24) | 103 |  83 %
 | Coded Battleships by zhergan (solved on 16. April 2021, 15:36) | 76 |  81 %
 | Thermo-Sudoku by JonaS2010 (solved on 16. April 2021, 14:32) | 144 |  84 %
 | Finding the way by patrick (solved on 14. April 2021, 15:36) | 31 |  89 %
 | StarBattle 13x/2 : Hexominos by Carrick22 (solved on 13. April 2021, 15:34) | 158 |  84 %
 | XV Kropki twist by justnow (solved on 12. April 2021, 21:37) | 100 |  76 %
 | Little Killer XV Killer Sudoku by Bellsita (solved on 12. April 2021, 20:56) | 74 |  77 %
 | Killers All Around by fritzdis (solved on 12. April 2021, 20:14) | 95 |  84 %
 | "Broken" Kropki XV Sudoku Tic Tac Toe by Ryx (solved on 12. April 2021, 18:52) | 163 |  79 %
 | Quite Orderly by FracturedLace (solved on 12. April 2021, 16:26) | 219 |  86 %
 | Singalong with REM / Mitsingen mit REM by Ryx (solved on 12. April 2021, 15:49) | 70 |  83 %
 | Fourward Progress by MallowTheCloud (solved on 12. April 2021, 15:04) | 62 |  88 %
 | Killer Arrows by Joseph nehme (solved on 7. April 2021, 23:13) | 98 |  90 %
 | An attempt by whiterock (solved on 6. April 2021, 23:00) | 93 |  79 %
 | Wo ist die Magie? by Frans Wentholt (solved on 6. April 2021, 16:21) | 74 |  83 %
 | Miracle sudoku by Rickert04 (solved on 6. April 2021, 00:26) | 96 |  73 %