| Description | solved | Rating
| 111 by DocLogic (solved on 30. January 2021, 14:09) | 109 | 86 %
| Anti-Knight Anti-King Magic Square by Ryx (solved on 29. January 2021, 23:14) | 62 | 62 %
| LUSTIG - buntes Buchstabenrätsel / colorful letter puzzle by DocLogic (solved on 28. January 2021, 22:59) | 34 | 95 %
| Round & Round 2 by PrimeWeasel (solved on 28. January 2021, 17:55) | 65 | 91 %
| My 70th Puzzle (Little Killer Kropki) by LucyAudrin (solved on 27. January 2021, 17:21) | 92 | 92 %
| Magic Thermo Chess by GremlinSA (solved on 27. January 2021, 16:36) | 36 | 92 %
| Thermo Leisure by Fedo (solved on 27. January 2021, 15:40) | 154 | 81 %
| Omnidirectional by KarasuGamma (solved on 26. January 2021, 13:33) | 61 | 82 %
| Temple of the Kings by Joseph nehme (solved on 25. January 2021, 15:37) | 78 | 96 %
| Everything is Stavros96 (Palindrome Killer) by Stavros96 (solved on 25. January 2021, 00:55) | 61 | 98 %
| Magic Colors by andreasv (solved on 24. January 2021, 22:42) | 114 | 88 %
| Thermo Killer 123 by Quarterthru (solved on 24. January 2021, 19:25) | 96 | 86 %
| Ode to CTC - Cracking the Cryptic by GremlinSA (solved on 22. January 2021, 18:05) | 100 | 81 %
| Pizza Quattro Formaggi Nr. 2 (more spicy) by DocLogic (solved on 21. January 2021, 23:07) | 60 | 93 %
| Magic Thermo Mayhem by Klomp (solved on 21. January 2021, 18:23) | 162 | 82 %
| Magic Disjointed Chess by GremlinSA (solved on 20. January 2021, 02:37) | 42 | 88 %
| Anti-Fortress Arrow Sudoku by Phistomefel (solved on 18. January 2021, 17:28) | 85 | 94 %
| Eddies by Qodec (solved on 18. January 2021, 15:19) | 68 | 99 %
| Killer Magic 5X5 by GremlinSA (solved on 17. January 2021, 23:04) | 72 | 87 %
| Encaged 9 by Joseph nehme (solved on 17. January 2021, 19:53) | 66 | 99 %