| Description | solved | Rating
| Classic Sudoku(001) by cdwg2000 (solved on 13. September 2020, 12:07) | 47 | 78 %
| Linesweeper 1 by Lizzy01 (solved on 29. August 2020, 20:15) | 60 | 83 %
| Killer Sudoku(001) by cdwg2000 (solved on 25. August 2020, 14:13) | 57 | 81 %
| Nurikabe - Fours by athin (solved on 22. August 2020, 08:03) | 96 | 85 %
| Tapa / Nurikabe by Eric Fox (solved on 13. August 2020, 09:50) | 167 | 83 %
| Slitherlink - 123 by athin (solved on 9. August 2020, 09:07) | 85 | 72 %
| Kannibalismuseffekt by Voyager (solved on 9. August 2020, 09:02) | 89 | 60 %
| Countdown: Höhle by pin7guin (solved on 27. July 2020, 08:29) | 74 | 86 %
| Countdown: Doppelblock by pin7guin (solved on 26. July 2020, 09:23) | 115 | 90 %
| Tilepaint - Corners by athin (solved on 25. July 2020, 08:22) | 40 | 88 %
| Achtelwenden 1 (WPC 2019 Leftover) by CHalb (solved on 24. July 2020, 13:05) | 60 | 89 %
| Ripple Effect - 70 Empty Cells by athin (solved on 22. July 2020, 19:57) | 73 | 88 %
| 12x12 Yajilin / Skyscrapers by stefliew (solved on 22. July 2020, 08:15) | 27 | 94 %
| Tiny Thermo Sudoku by logopolys (solved on 20. July 2020, 19:46) | 212 | 73 %
| 4x4 Battlefield Slap Fight by DiMono (solved on 20. July 2020, 19:43) | 68 | 69 %
| JCQ #5: Fawlty Towers (Liar Thermo Killer Sudoku) by peterchayward (solved on 18. July 2020, 15:13) | 40 | 97 %
| Sudoku 1 by d3992939 (solved on 18. July 2020, 14:46) | 93 | 51 %
| Snake Tapa - Walls of Wonder by emmettcito (solved on 14. July 2020, 14:08) | 20 | 80 %
| Classic Tapa - Ring of Fire by emmettcito (solved on 11. July 2020, 09:27) | 58 | 76 %
| Mehrdeutige Rätsel - Yajilin 1 by uvo (solved on 10. July 2020, 17:07) | 141 | 89 %