| Description | solved | Rating
| Say What? by djorr (solved on 30. April 2022, 19:11) | 126 | 90 %
| Hidden 22 by FKlauser (solved on 29. April 2022, 22:14) | 567 | 91 %
| Knightingale by Wuschel (solved on 29. April 2022, 21:58) | 66 | 96 %
| EASY ? by DocLogic (solved on 29. April 2022, 20:43) | 69 | 89 %
| Whisper Renban Fillomino by PjotrV (solved on 5. April 2022, 05:01) | 88 | 93 %
| Applesauce by grkles (solved on 3. April 2022, 16:16) | 36 | 98 %
| 4x4 Arrow XV Sudokus by SudokuExplorer (solved on 3. April 2022, 06:38) | 45 | 94 %
| Scattered Windows by Joseph nehme (solved on 2. April 2022, 22:11) | 70 | 95 %
| Lines and Cages / Leinen und Käfige by PDN777 (solved on 28. March 2022, 01:06) | 216 | 89 %
| Diamonds by grkles (solved on 22. March 2022, 02:24) | 65 | 94 %
| American Whispers - purpl Collab by the_cogito (solved on 21. March 2022, 23:04) | 12 | 95 %
| Floor Plan by the_cogito (solved on 17. March 2022, 18:23) | 34 | 95 %
| Killer Shikoku by the_cogito (solved on 11. March 2022, 01:26) | 56 | 98 %
| Antishouting Knight by A FOR BALL (solved on 8. March 2022, 23:47) | 19 | 87 %
| Fishnet by TotallyNormalCat (solved on 22. February 2022, 06:35) | 83 | 97 %
| Sirius by jovi_al (solved on 19. February 2022, 23:36) | 36 | 98 %
| Cascade by mith (solved on 17. February 2022, 01:32) | 153 | 91 %
| Van Helsing by the_cogito (solved on 14. February 2022, 20:12) | 27 | 97 %
| Harmony (Least Loved Arrow Series) - Hints Added! by purpl (solved on 11. February 2022, 04:37) | 112 | 94 %
| The Warden by jovi_al (solved on 10. February 2022, 05:17) | 24 | 94 %