| Description | solved | Rating
| Anti-Knight Sudoku with Renban Groups III by zhergan (solved on 22. October 2013, 11:58) | 98 | 86 %
| X-Sums Sudoku II by Richard (solved on 22. October 2013, 10:31) | 102 | 92 %
| Diagonalsummen-Sudoku by Errorandy (solved on 21. October 2013, 21:59) | 83 | 87 %
| 24 Ways to survive a Dutch Advent (18): Greater than Consecutive Sudoku by Richard (solved on 21. October 2013, 01:54) | 119 | 87 %
| Ungleichungs Pünktchen Sudoku II by Richard (solved on 20. October 2013, 23:35) | 109 | 87 %
| WM-Training: Easy As ABC Hexa - First Seen by uvo (solved on 18. October 2013, 20:34) | 93 | 88 %
| Februar Prim-Monat (4): Prim-Renban-Sudoku by Richard (solved on 18. October 2013, 20:08) | 95 | 87 %
| Back to Basics: Diagonal Sudoku (B) by Richard (solved on 18. October 2013, 17:12) | 105 | 85 %
| Back to Basics: Chaos Sudoku (A) by Richard (solved on 18. October 2013, 16:30) | 99 | 88 %
| Yajilin by Richard (solved on 18. October 2013, 13:12) | 124 | 89 %
| Regional Yajilin by Richard (solved on 18. October 2013, 12:45) | 110 | 90 %
| Sudokuro (II) by Richard (solved on 18. October 2013, 12:13) | 107 | 89 %
| 24 Ways to survive a Dutch Advent (17): 2358 Difference Sudoku by Eisbär (solved on 18. October 2013, 00:54) | 108 | 86 %
| Capsules (2) by Richard (solved on 17. October 2013, 23:01) | 112 | 90 %
| Pfeil Sudoku by Richard (solved on 17. October 2013, 21:49) | 99 | 87 %
| 24 Ways to survive a Dutch Advent (6): Rank Sudoku by Richard (solved on 17. October 2013, 13:25) | 109 | 86 %
| Equal sudoku III by Richard (solved on 17. October 2013, 11:55) | 114 | 87 %
| LMI-Überbleibsel 3 - Chaos windoku by Richard (solved on 17. October 2013, 11:22) | 106 | 86 %
| CrocoPuzzle Adventskalender 2011: Tag 11 (Römische Summen III) by berni (solved on 17. October 2013, 11:06) | 105 | 80 %
| 24 Ways to survive a Dutch Advent (4): Odd max Sudoku by Richard (solved on 16. October 2013, 21:30) | 123 | 87 %