| Description | solved | Rating
| Wishbone (Killer/Arrow) by dumediat (solved on 12. March 2024, 22:37) | 453 | 95 %
| 121 by Prof.Dori (solved on 10. March 2024, 18:17) | 222 | 94 %
| Thermarrowometers by arbitrary (solved on 10. March 2024, 18:15) | 208 | 92 %
| Meet me in the middle by palpot (solved on 9. March 2024, 21:06) | 176 | 93 %
| Diagonal Differences by Scojo (solved on 9. March 2024, 21:04) | 150 | 88 %
| Palindromic Lines by lmdemasi (solved on 9. March 2024, 21:01) | 151 | 95 %
| Bootstraps by rockratzero (solved on 13. December 2023, 21:37) | 111 | 93 %
| Pluto (Dwarf Planet) by Blobz (solved on 17. September 2023, 22:56) | 857 | 79 %
| 4(Quad), 5(V), and 10(X) Sudoku by FlxCat (solved on 2. January 2022, 00:11) | 190 | 86 %
| Knights of the Round Table by Strosahl (solved on 1. January 2022, 19:02) | 253 | 86 %
| The Palatine Games by Bremster (solved on 12. December 2021, 05:14) | 613 | 88 %
| XV Palindrome by ExFalsoQuodlibet (solved on 25. October 2021, 04:13) | 169 | 86 %
| Somersaults by djorr (solved on 31. August 2021, 05:55) | 124 | 90 %
| One Direction by manushand (solved on 30. August 2021, 19:53) | 128 | 84 %
| Arrow Sudoku II by zhergan (solved on 29. August 2021, 05:16) | 207 | 83 %
| Caged Consecutive Constraint by Quarterthru (solved on 1. August 2021, 02:21) | 57 | 85 %
| Simple Sandwhich Sudoku by Wampan (solved on 29. July 2021, 20:00) | 131 | 81 %