| Description | solved | Rating
| Sandwich Thermo by PDN777 (solved on 7. September 2022, 13:47) | 126 | 89 %
| Just Thermo by tsc (solved on 7. September 2022, 10:40) | 84 | 89 %
| Knight of Flowers by tsc (solved on 7. September 2022, 09:01) | 194 | 95 %
| Boxed In by randomra (solved on 7. September 2022, 09:00) | 209 | 93 %
| Happy 49th by Blobz (solved on 7. September 2022, 08:59) | 170 | 93 %
| Rainbow Bricks by tsc (solved on 6. September 2022, 15:15) | 66 | 95 %
| Thermo Sudoku by Lizzy01 (solved on 6. September 2022, 14:24) | 88 | 96 %
| Uniqueness (Besonderheit) by Will Power (solved on 6. September 2022, 13:59) | 180 | 94 %
| Twisted diagonal mirror by rmahus (solved on 6. September 2022, 13:13) | 68 | 93 %
| Kropki Integration by Blobz (solved on 6. September 2022, 12:12) | 562 | 91 %
| Sandwich Whispers (CTC 500k subscribers) by Florian Wortmann (solved on 5. September 2022, 16:17) | 103 | 94 %
| Miracle Thermo Sudoku by Celery (solved on 5. September 2022, 12:42) | 151 | 86 %
| Cricket Coin (German Whispers, Thermo) by Niverio (solved on 5. September 2022, 11:27) | 217 | 94 %
| Framed by mathpesto (solved on 5. September 2022, 10:19) | 199 | 97 %
| It's Just the One Sum, Actually by Dag H (solved on 5. September 2022, 10:18) | 133 | 96 %
| Fire Photon Torpedoes! by Will Power (solved on 25. August 2022, 14:51) | 166 | 89 %
| The Final Encore by wildhound007 (solved on 25. August 2022, 10:59) | 118 | 83 %
| Tied up Ends by AParliamentofOwls (solved on 24. August 2022, 17:28) | 140 | 89 %
| High Five by pep9 (solved on 24. August 2022, 15:20) | 99 | 92 %
| Clone Pairs by thoughtbyte (solved on 24. August 2022, 13:42) | 142 | 86 %