| Description | solved | Rating
| Cryptic Rune by Scruffamudda (solved on 7. April 2022, 22:25) | 135 | 94 %
| Broken Arrows by Wuschel (solved on 7. April 2022, 21:19) | 125 | 90 %
| Ascent / Descent by Will Power (solved on 7. April 2022, 18:14) | 134 | 88 %
| Two and a Half by Nordy (solved on 7. April 2022, 17:17) | 112 | 89 %
| Whirligig (Arrow X) by thoughtbyte (solved on 6. April 2022, 17:48) | 79 | 89 %
| Hello, Mr. XV (Juosan Sudoku Hybrid) by purpl (solved on 5. April 2022, 22:29) | 36 | 90 %
| Spiky Bits by zChris96 (solved on 5. April 2022, 20:42) | 128 | 75 %
| Renban maelstrom by rmahus (solved on 5. April 2022, 17:19) | 123 | 91 %
| On Target by Will Power (solved on 4. April 2022, 23:10) | 72 | 89 %
| Anti-knight Thermos by Jeet Sampat (solved on 4. April 2022, 20:27) | 102 | 94 %
| Small polygons (6*6) (Sudoku-20) by Sumanta(ANU) (solved on 4. April 2022, 17:43) | 36 | 86 %
| Dancing Robot / Tanzender Roboter by PDN777 (solved on 3. April 2022, 23:47) | 188 | 92 %
| Enchanted Fortress by oklux (solved on 3. April 2022, 22:38) | 73 | 92 %
| Jiggery-Pokery by Will Power (solved on 3. April 2022, 21:20) | 103 | 86 %
| Jigsaw Quadruples by Wuschel (solved on 3. April 2022, 20:33) | 111 | 85 %
| Shikabracadabra by Emphyrio (solved on 3. April 2022, 20:20) | 42 | 90 %
| Countdown (Anti-Knight Sudoku) by Agent (solved on 3. April 2022, 17:25) | 218 | 85 %
| siX fiVe fOur by ndsurgenor (solved on 3. April 2022, 15:24) | 204 | 92 %
| An even odder clone by Wuschel (solved on 3. April 2022, 14:16) | 6 | N/A
| Dark Side of the Moon by JR_pianoman (solved on 3. April 2022, 11:58) | 141 | 87 %