| Description | solved | Rating
| Sloop John B (SudoCruise Day 5) by SSG (solved on 8. August 2023, 02:22) | 150 | 93 %
| Flight of the Bumblebee by Will Power (solved on 8. August 2023, 02:21) | 236 | 88 %
| A Night at the Theatre by NIGHTCRAULER (solved on 8. August 2023, 02:20) | 310 | 92 %
| Sudokusaurus by Scojo (solved on 8. August 2023, 02:18) | 400 | 91 %
| Horseshoe Crab by Will Power (solved on 7. August 2023, 15:06) | 401 | 91 %
| Interaction (Arrow) by dumediat (solved on 7. August 2023, 12:51) | 541 | 90 %
| Ball of Yarn by Will Power (solved on 6. August 2023, 22:57) | 269 | 91 %
| DNA Zipper by heliopolix (solved on 6. August 2023, 15:45) | 797 | 90 %
| A Walk In The Park by Scruffamudda (solved on 6. August 2023, 15:14) | 238 | 94 %
| The Knights Who Whisper "V" by gdc (solved on 6. August 2023, 02:19) | 440 | 92 %
| Tree in Winter 冬天 by Will Power (solved on 5. August 2023, 13:58) | 237 | 93 %
| Tree in Autumn (Herbst) 秋天 by Will Power (solved on 5. August 2023, 02:59) | 285 | 93 %
| Tree in Summer (Sommer) 夏天 by Will Power (solved on 4. August 2023, 22:11) | 337 | 94 %
| A Coloring Conundrum by lapazhu (solved on 4. August 2023, 11:47) | 650 | 92 %
| Primrose 3 by Will Power (solved on 4. August 2023, 02:22) | 338 | 92 %
| High Rise Window Washer by Will Power (solved on 4. August 2023, 01:37) | 702 | 91 %
| Saarland by farodin64 (solved on 4. August 2023, 01:14) | 233 | 91 %
| Heartbreak by NIGHTCRAULER (solved on 3. August 2023, 20:02) | 205 | 88 %
| Lucky Clover by Scojo (solved on 26. July 2023, 11:01) | 234 | 91 %
| Conga Line Dance by Will Power (solved on 25. July 2023, 22:31) | 341 | 91 %