| Description | solved | Rating
| 红葉puzzles(PP55): Slitherlink009 by cdwg2000 (solved on 12. January 2021, 23:38) | 94 | 81 %
| Kropki Arrows Sudoku: Minimal by JivkoJ (solved on 12. January 2021, 23:17) | 59 | 87 %
| Arrows of Disorder by Mark Sweep (solved on 12. January 2021, 23:17) | 14 | 83 %
| Head Scratcher by Lisztes (solved on 12. January 2021, 23:16) | 56 | 87 %
| Energy in the Core by Aaronomys (solved on 12. January 2021, 23:04) | 158 | 82 %
| Yin-Yang Fillomino by Phistomefel (solved on 9. January 2021, 20:28) | 71 | 98 %
| Tag 02 - Cave by CJK (solved on 9. January 2021, 19:53) | 59 | 93 %
| 真笑Puzzles013--Chaos Construction--“庄子” 004 by cdwg2000 (solved on 9. January 2021, 16:26) | 25 | 99 %
| Yajilin Total/Regions 4 by Dandelo (solved on 9. January 2021, 15:04) | 17 | 100 %
| Hurray for René by Richard (solved on 9. January 2021, 13:53) | 51 | 96 %
| Get Even by andreasv (solved on 9. January 2021, 13:02) | 156 | 83 %
| 真笑Puzzles012--Chaos construction-- “庄子” 003 by cdwg2000 (solved on 9. January 2021, 12:29) | 41 | 95 %
| Tag 03 - Fillomino by CJK (solved on 9. January 2021, 12:29) | 81 | 92 %
| Flower by zetamath (solved on 9. January 2021, 12:28) | 74 | 94 %
| Encaged 9 by Joseph nehme (solved on 9. January 2021, 11:28) | 66 | 99 %
| 红葉puzzles(PP53): Shakashaka012 by cdwg2000 (solved on 9. January 2021, 11:22) | 62 | 89 %
| "Biohazard!" Thermo Sudoku by Rangsk (solved on 9. January 2021, 10:48) | 22 | 89 %
| Thermo Sudoku by Qodec (solved on 8. January 2021, 08:58) | 69 | 89 %
| Bulbless Thermo by andreasv (solved on 8. January 2021, 08:46) | 116 | 91 %
| Odd Killer Sudoku by Woodsy (solved on 7. January 2021, 18:00) | 38 | 85 %