| Description | solved | Rating
| Even Kropkis can be Odd by Joseph nehme (solved on 3. February 2021, 05:11) | 73 | 92 %
| XV Thermo by GremlinSA (solved on 3. February 2021, 00:40) | 146 | 79 %
| 10X Killer Thermos by GremlinSA (solved on 2. February 2021, 01:02) | 150 | 83 %
| 111 by DocLogic (solved on 31. January 2021, 01:28) | 109 | 86 %
| It´s some kind of magic by PetLov (solved on 30. January 2021, 02:54) | 66 | 83 %
| Thermo Leisure by Fedo (solved on 28. January 2021, 18:07) | 154 | 81 %
| Anti-Knight Anti-King Magic Square by Ryx (solved on 27. January 2021, 20:11) | 62 | 62 %
| Thermal Overload by GremlinSA (solved on 27. January 2021, 17:37) | 117 | 83 %
| Omnidirectional by KarasuGamma (solved on 26. January 2021, 18:51) | 61 | 82 %
| Happy Birthday by Fosapifi (solved on 25. January 2021, 16:33) | 57 | 76 %
| Number by Colors by andreasv (solved on 23. January 2021, 15:29) | 66 | 84 %
| Dancing Man Sudoku by Quarterthru (solved on 23. January 2021, 08:01) | 55 | 72 %
| Ode to CTC - Cracking the Cryptic by GremlinSA (solved on 22. January 2021, 14:00) | 100 | 81 %
| Don't fill in the 1s by PrimeWeasel (solved on 22. January 2021, 08:47) | 100 | 95 %
| Sudoku Variants Series (304) - Even Parity Circles Sudoku by Richard (solved on 21. January 2021, 11:28) | 156 | 91 %
| Magic Thermo Mayhem by Klomp (solved on 21. January 2021, 11:03) | 162 | 82 %
| Everything is Stavros96 (Palindrome Killer) by Stavros96 (solved on 20. January 2021, 06:30) | 61 | 98 %
| Even the Knights... by Lisztes (solved on 20. January 2021, 06:18) | 60 | 85 %
| Anti-Knight Thermo Little Killer by Gliperal (solved on 20. January 2021, 02:29) | 90 | 90 %
| XVper Easy by Lisztes (solved on 20. January 2021, 00:03) | 180 | 82 %