| Description | solved | Rating
| 4(Quad), 5(V), and 10(X) Sudoku by FlxCat (solved on 6. July 2021, 23:28) | 190 | 86 %
| Spectators by Bremster (solved on 6. July 2021, 05:57) | 241 | 79 %
| Hippogriff by Konzert (solved on 6. July 2021, 00:43) | 43 | 86 %
| Whispering Palindrome by steelwool (solved on 5. July 2021, 03:57) | 24 | 82 %
| Quadrarrow (Sudoku) by PDN777 (solved on 4. July 2021, 21:16) | 204 | 83 %
| Consecutive Sudoku by timp1343 (solved on 4. July 2021, 21:11) | 112 | 88 %
| Palindrome Sums II by tzael (solved on 4. July 2021, 00:44) | 129 | 94 %
| Hilbert's Curves by djorr (solved on 3. July 2021, 20:03) | 55 | 86 %
| Domino Fever by Mad-Tyas (solved on 3. July 2021, 19:45) | 129 | 93 %
| Locket by Leyrann (solved on 3. July 2021, 19:32) | 66 | 74 %
| UAP Comms Perhaps... (Sudoku) by PDN777 (solved on 1. July 2021, 19:32) | 128 | 93 %
| Raindrops / Regentropfen by DocLogic (solved on 30. June 2021, 20:08) | 101 | 85 %
| Only Multiple of Five by Fire Ice (solved on 29. June 2021, 17:37) | 120 | 60 %
| Thermos? Thermos everywhere!!! by Bianca (solved on 29. June 2021, 17:28) | 43 | 71 %
| Paintball (Arrow Killer) by tallcat (solved on 29. June 2021, 00:15) | 142 | 96 %
| Veni, Vidi, Vici by ICHTUES (solved on 28. June 2021, 16:53) | 141 | 91 %
| Twenty-Seven by djorr (solved on 28. June 2021, 16:33) | 140 | 83 %
| CrazyCompass by DrunkenSailor (solved on 28. June 2021, 13:03) | 147 | 83 %
| Antlion by Kafkapharnaum (solved on 26. June 2021, 18:46) | 322 | 93 %
| A Bit of This...Two (Sudoku) by PDN777 (solved on 26. June 2021, 10:47) | 125 | 82 %