| Description | solved | Rating
| Tumble by vidarino (solved on 6. January 2022, 20:41) | 81 | 94 %
| Another Kind of Entropy by BellBear (solved on 5. January 2022, 16:20) | 37 | 93 %
| Sudoku Variants Series (354) - Japanese Sums Sudoku by Richard (solved on 5. January 2022, 15:33) | 101 | 96 %
| Killer Sudoku #3 — 'Central Tendency' by PixelPlucker (solved on 4. January 2022, 15:27) | 43 | 97 %
| Hinges by jovi_al (solved on 24. December 2021, 00:07) | 123 | 98 %
| Directions by SudokuExplorer (solved on 23. December 2021, 22:57) | 88 | 98 %
| Trapped by a Killer by SudokuExplorer (solved on 28. November 2021, 01:16) | 56 | 96 %
| Nonconsecutive Palindrome Sudoku #1 by GBPack (solved on 28. November 2021, 01:15) | 18 | 93 %
| Anti-Knight Killer Sudoku by SudokuExplorer (solved on 19. November 2021, 00:41) | 38 | 95 %
| Just Knights and Arrows by GBPack (solved on 19. November 2021, 00:40) | 16 | 91 %