| Description | solved | Rating
| Hot start by lars (solved on 11. February 2023, 11:09) | 141 | 91 %
| Highway by dennischen (solved on 4. February 2023, 14:35) | 89 | 94 %
| Mochi The Cat by Allagem (solved on 3. February 2023, 18:06) | 231 | 93 %
| Always the Minimum by EricRathbun (solved on 22. January 2023, 11:33) | 327 | 95 %
| Even More Forgetful Snail by britboy3456 (solved on 7. January 2023, 18:28) | 133 | 88 %
| Sharp Killer by s.andersson (solved on 7. January 2023, 18:08) | 113 | 92 %
| Spiderweb by degustaf (solved on 5. January 2023, 15:05) | 58 | 91 %
| Vide (Renban XV) by tallcat (solved on 5. January 2023, 14:33) | 342 | 96 %
| 2023 by starwarigami (solved on 2. January 2023, 13:09) | 90 | 93 %
| Dots Spread on Grid by Nai Night (solved on 1. January 2023, 18:07) | 67 | 93 %
| Pillars of Creation by heliopolix (solved on 31. December 2022, 17:18) | 130 | 91 %
| New Years Firework by Tingo (solved on 30. December 2022, 15:23) | 304 | 92 %
| Handlebars by DylanD (solved on 29. December 2022, 19:21) | 137 | 90 %
| The Kitchen Sink by shinggaming (solved on 29. December 2022, 18:16) | 234 | 92 %
| Killer Knight by ademjaz (solved on 28. December 2022, 15:14) | 252 | 88 %
| Mosaic Knot by TheStranger112 (solved on 25. December 2022, 20:32) | 113 | 89 %
| Mirror Thermo by Nai Night (solved on 25. December 2022, 14:13) | 210 | 87 %
| Marble Madness by zegres (solved on 23. December 2022, 23:36) | 162 | 95 %
| Marble Run by zegres (solved on 23. December 2022, 21:06) | 196 | 97 %
| Claude's Hidden Fever by kinnison (solved on 23. December 2022, 20:17) | 653 | 91 %