| Description | solved | Rating
| Entropic Tree by Dathan (solved on 3. December 2023, 01:37) | 591 | 93 %
| In common (Killer sudoku) by sujoyku (solved on 2. December 2023, 23:57) | 304 | 91 %
| Winter Dance Puzzle by JohnGisMe (solved on 2. December 2023, 20:05) | 204 | 89 %
| Blueberry Crop in the Fog by olima (solved on 2. December 2023, 19:20) | 608 | 91 %
| Factor Factory (Faktorfabrik) by Will Power (solved on 2. December 2023, 04:07) | 266 | 92 %
| That's [redacted] in the Corner (fog puzzle) by jwsinclair (solved on 1. December 2023, 17:50) | 1238 | 92 %
| All about 30 by Schma (solved on 1. December 2023, 06:12) | 198 | 89 %
| Samurais in the Knight by joshfrew (solved on 1. December 2023, 02:08) | 235 | 81 %
| The Yellow Brick Road by wildhound007 (solved on 30. November 2023, 18:22) | 197 | 89 %
| Thermometer Antlers by EFlatMinor (solved on 18. November 2023, 04:36) | 358 | 90 %