| Description | solved | Rating
| Magnetschlange 2 (Leftover der LM-Quali 2021) by ibag (solved on 27. March 2021, 17:58) | 35 | 98 %
| Magnet+Antimagnet-Verrückte Welt der Pole by r45 (solved on 27. March 2021, 14:57) | 68 | 92 %
| Rätselwochenende 2013 - Kakuro by r45 (solved on 26. March 2021, 20:07) | 87 | 86 %
| Kreuzzahlrätsel (3) by berni (solved on 25. March 2021, 21:51) | 41 | 87 %
| pin7guin loves ABCtjes too by ibag (solved on 13. March 2021, 16:30) | 24 | 92 %
| Morgenstund hat Gold im Mund by Luigi (solved on 1. March 2021, 17:32) | 35 | 87 %
| In the Zoo by Qodec (solved on 27. February 2021, 19:59) | 46 | 90 %
| Buchstabenrätsel-ABCtje by Dandelo (solved on 21. February 2021, 20:25) | 36 | 92 %
| Jigsaw Sudokakuro by Richard (solved on 21. February 2021, 16:57) | 175 | 91 %
| Flaemmchen-Sudoku mit Einmischung der Außerirdischen by ibag (solved on 13. February 2021, 21:18) | 36 | 98 %
| Japanische Höhle vom Hein mit Hilfe vom Irrwisch (2) by ibag (solved on 9. February 2021, 22:46) | 27 | 100 %
| Japanische Höhle vom Hein mit Hilfe vom Irrwisch by ibag (solved on 7. February 2021, 08:58) | 30 | 100 %
| LM-Qualitraining 2020 (1): Borders-Pentominous by JonaS2010 (solved on 5. February 2021, 17:07) | 124 | 87 %
| 007 Killer Sudoku by Realshaggy (solved on 4. February 2021, 22:22) | 64 | 98 %
| Kursfahrt nach Berlin by ibag (solved on 4. February 2021, 18:17) | 25 | 88 %
| Schneewittchen und die sieben Zwerge - Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs by ildiko (solved on 4. February 2021, 08:40) | 40 | 82 %
| Außerirdischer und Osterhase by ibag (solved on 3. February 2021, 17:22) | 23 | 96 %
| Happy Birthday, marcmees! by ibag (solved on 1. February 2021, 11:08) | 13 | 100 %
| Die gute Fee Aaabcis by Zzzyxas (solved on 30. January 2021, 16:34) | 29 | 88 %
| Alles Lüge by Zzzyxas (solved on 29. January 2021, 20:39) | 19 | 82 %