| Description | solved | Rating
| Earthquake in Sudokutown by PrimeWeasel (solved on 15. January 2021, 03:53) | 108 | 94 %
| Magic 5X5 by GremlinSA (solved on 15. January 2021, 00:58) | 93 | 87 %
| Event Horizon by steelwool (solved on 14. January 2021, 02:03) | 84 | 71 %
| Extra Regions Sudoku by Dandelo (solved on 13. January 2021, 20:09) | 94 | 90 %
| Life on 36 cells by Phistomefel (solved on 13. January 2021, 05:44) | 102 | 95 %
| Head Scratcher by Lisztes (solved on 12. January 2021, 20:18) | 56 | 87 %
| Energy in the Core by Aaronomys (solved on 12. January 2021, 04:49) | 158 | 82 %
| Get Even by andreasv (solved on 9. January 2021, 19:08) | 156 | 83 %
| Thermo Knight Sudoku by Woodsy (solved on 8. January 2021, 23:24) | 43 | 81 %
| Bulbless Thermo by andreasv (solved on 6. January 2021, 20:02) | 116 | 91 %
| Spider and Fly by LucyAudrin (solved on 31. December 2020, 16:29) | 111 | 91 %
| Sequential Killer Sudoku by SenatorGronk (solved on 31. December 2020, 00:34) | 52 | 99 %
| A Knight's Move by Lisztes (solved on 30. December 2020, 19:21) | 70 | 76 %
| Spoilers In Title by RockyRoer (solved on 30. December 2020, 02:18) | 47 | 86 %
| Four Scissors by LucyAudrin (solved on 29. December 2020, 19:05) | 97 | 94 %
| Friendly XV by Woodsy (solved on 29. December 2020, 04:02) | 142 | 78 %
| Mum's Sandwich by PrimeWeasel (solved on 28. December 2020, 04:08) | 167 | 79 %
| The One Ring by Ken Duna (solved on 28. December 2020, 03:11) | 132 | 86 %
| Airplane! by Lisztes (solved on 27. December 2020, 03:35) | 141 | 83 %
| Hot "Little" Killers by Quarterthru (solved on 26. December 2020, 23:01) | 40 | 88 %