| Description | solved | Rating
| Mystery Killer Primes (5x5) by sfushidahardy (solved on 12. May 2024, 22:12) | 154 | 93 %
| Whisper Through the Fog by meggen033 (solved on 8. May 2024, 22:47) | 572 | 92 %
| Foggy New Year by jwsinclair (solved on 8. May 2024, 22:46) | 349 | 92 %
| Quad Code by marty_sears (solved on 8. May 2024, 13:16) | 384 | 98 %
| TIC TAC TOE TIE by Will Power (solved on 26. April 2024, 09:00) | 557 | 92 %
| Autobahn by olliwright (solved on 24. April 2024, 12:52) | 276 | 89 %
| Dilophosaurus (Frilled Lizard Dino) by heliopolix (solved on 24. April 2024, 12:52) | 315 | 81 %
| Hmm...?????? (Fog of War 6x6) by KMD (solved on 24. April 2024, 12:52) | 571 | 91 %
| Okinawa (Killer) by Florian Wortmann (solved on 24. April 2024, 12:51) | 464 | 89 %
| Caged by a Secret Killer by PhoenixAki (solved on 20. April 2024, 23:31) | 227 | 95 %
| Polychrome by StartUp21 (solved on 20. April 2024, 18:17) | 127 | 87 %
| Milky Way by meggen033 (solved on 19. April 2024, 12:49) | 449 | 93 %
| Killer Knights in the Fog by meggen033 (solved on 19. April 2024, 12:30) | 534 | 88 %
| Steerage by jwsinclair (solved on 19. April 2024, 12:18) | 396 | 90 %
| Sudoku Variants Series (154) - Odd Even Big Small Sudoku by Richard (solved on 17. April 2024, 18:34) | 115 | 90 %
| Thermal Equilibrium by Flinty (solved on 7. April 2024, 20:05) | 135 | 93 %
| Masyu mit Stolpersteinen by berni (solved on 6. April 2024, 18:50) | 157 | 92 %
| Bow Sudoku by andreatetta (solved on 6. April 2024, 00:22) | 99 | 94 %
| Whispers in the Fog by meggen033 (solved on 4. April 2024, 21:01) | 687 | 92 %
| Woolen Dough by dodomos (solved on 3. April 2024, 20:40) | 259 | 92 %